Student Entrepreneurship Program 2015: Prepare Bachelor's Independent
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

ITB PMW organized by Student Organizations (LK) ITB to attract students who have an interest in entrepreneurship and require funding for their bussines start-up. This program is part of the strategy of entrepreneurship education in college. The goal, among others, is to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among students, foster new entrepreneurs who are well educated, and created the new business unit that is based on science, technology and art. The program is also implemented to increase entrepreneurial activity in order to graduate more ITB's student to become creators and not job seekers.
Facilities provided by PMW include entrepreneurship education and training, apprenticeship, planning bisuness, capitalization and mentoring support and business sustainability.There will be some stage in 2015 PMW this time such as socialization, identification, selection, briefing, preparation of business plans, internships, to the acquisition of capital support for the establishment of new businesses and mentoring from SMEs.
The program is intended for students who have completed the two semesters of lectures in bachelor degree and still being a student until December 2016. Each proposed will get maximum fund of Rp 8,000,000. Each student is entitled to follow the course of business and have never received funding from PMW in previous years. Expected from this program, can form new entrepreneurs who are well educated based on science and technology.
Schedules pertinent to the PMW 2015
May 4, 2015 Deadline for Proposal Submission
May 23, 2015 Selection Business Plan
June 1, 2015 Signing of Contract
July 2015, Monitoring and Assistance
August Workshop and Training
-November 2015
1-5 December 2015 Evaluation and Final Report
PMW guide can be downloaded at the following link