ITB Startup Bootcamp 2024 Provides Participants with Startup Building Skills

Oleh M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, – The 2024 ITB Startup Bootcamp was held at the CC Timur Gallery, ITB Ganesha Campus, on Saturday (June 29, 2024). One of the main highlights of the event was the “Starting Up” session, which provided an in-depth understanding of the startup world and how to effectively start and manage a startup.

The Starting Up group covered five stations, each presenting different topics presented by experienced speakers in their respective fields. At each station, participants were given 15-20 minutes to delve into the material and engage in discussions about the topics at hand.

In the first post, participants were invited to learn “How to Start a Team” by Farih Muwaffaq, who provided insight about the importance of building a solid and effective team as initial preparation for forming a startup. Farih emphasized that in building a startup, it is impossible to build alone. It requires a strong team with specializations in various fields to help the business scale.

He shared how to select team members based on their competence, personality, and diversity. A good team, according to him, must consist of individuals who have the same concerns and are ready to fight together, not just be money-oriented. Farih emphasized the importance of good team management, clear division of roles, and the use of various management tools to track the performance of each member.

Next, the “Administration, Legal, and Tax” session by M. Gani Kurnia focused on the importance of administrative, legal, and tax aspects in running a startup. Gani explained that many startups fail not because of bad business ideas—the ideas are often good—but due to a lack of understanding and compliance with legal and tax regulations. He encouraged participants to understand various types of legal entities suitable for startups, the business registration process, and the importance of managing tax aspects from the beginning. Understanding and adhering to these regulations not only helps avoid legal issues later on but also adds credibility to the startup in the eyes of investors.

The material at the third station, “Effective Ways to Start a Business,” presented by Yoel Tristan, emphasized the importance of building a strong foundation when starting a startup. Yoel shared his personal experience in running a coffee shop, highlighting that a good idea alone is not enough without proper execution. He explained the importance of market research and idea validation before launching a product. In this session, participants were encouraged to understand that success in business requires careful planning and patience in facing challenges.

At the fourth station, “Branding and Marketing Basics” by Arius Friyansyah, participants gained knowledge about the fundamentals of branding and effective marketing strategies. Arius explained that the journey of a brand from inception to effective communication relies heavily on branding and marketing. He emphasized the importance of understanding the target market, developing appropriate marketing strategies, and crafting a strong branding strategy so that participants are expected to build a brand that is not only recognized but also loved by its consumers.

The fifth and final station covered the topic “Intro to Agile and Digital Mindset” and was presented by Anggy Edo, who provided insights about the importance of having an adaptive and digital mindset in managing a startup. Edo explained the concept of agile, which refers to being flexible and responsive to change. By doing so, this approach is expected to enable startup founders to continuously innovate in a competitive market. In this session, participants were also encouraged to develop critical and creative thinking skills to tackle challenges and seize opportunities optimally.

Reporter: Iko Sutrisko Prakasa Lay (Mathematics, 2021)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)
Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2024)

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