Double Victory for ITB Student Teams at ‘LKTI Ception 2024’

By M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh - Students of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) brought home two trophies in the 2024 LKTI Ception event.

LKTI Ception 2024 was organized by the Chemical Engineering Professional Student Association (HMPTK), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang, to encourage net zero emissions by accommodating ideas by students throughout Indonesia in the form of academic papers.

Two teams representing ITB won 2nd and 1st place in the 2024 LKTI Ception event, Saturday (14/9/2024). The first team, Sang Piro, consisted of Hanif Yusran Makarim (BA'22) and Gilang Putranto (BM'22), while the second team, Bengawan Solo, consisted of Muhammad Farhan Rasyidnianto (FT'21) and Aris Syifa Augustina (FT'21).

Part of the SRE ITB organization, Hanif and his friends were motivated to participate in the competition to implement past knowledge they learned from SRE.

"I want to combine the independent research I have done with the knowledge I have gained into a form of real study that can compete with other relevant work," said the leader of the Sang Piro team, Hanif Yusran Makarim.

The Bengawan Solo team brought out the known electrification problem that often occurs in Indonesia. A total of 318,470 households and 199 villages in Indonesia are still surviving without electricity. As a result, around 60% of coastal areas in Eastern Indonesia need help to get access to electricity.

The Bengawan Solo team then designed a hybrid power plant with portable features to help coastal communities meet their electricity needs.

"The power plant technology we propose utilizes the sun, wind, and coastal waves. Coastal waves here can be the main source of energy in Indonesia's coastal areas.

Meanwhile, the portable feature presents an answer to the difficulty of accessing electricity in remote areas so that it is easy to carry around and therefore, makes the mobility of this tool easy (for disassembly)," said Farhan, Head of the Bengawan Solo Team.

The title these groups achieved is just a bonus for all the hard work they have done. There were many valuable lessons learned by both teams after participating in the event.

"Our skills have been upgraded, we are starting to be more proficient in using some software such as PVsyst, Qblade, and Solidworks. In addition to that, our soft skills are also honed as it is needed in working on this paper," said Farhan.

It is hoped that the ideas proposed by the two teams of ITB students can be applied as a form of real contribution to the renewable energy transition efforts for a cleaner Indonesia with sustainable energy.

Reporter: Nur Asyiah (Agricultural Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Kezia Hosana (Chemical Engineering, 2022)
Editor: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology)