Realizing a Fortunate Indonesia through Self-Actualization
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Bandung Institute of Technology held an online public lecture of the Studium Generale KU-4078, Wednesday (4/11/2020). The speaker was Yudi Latif, PhD, a member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences. The Studium Generale was opened by Rector of ITB Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, PhD, and guided by Ridwan Fauzi M.H.
Yudi Latief started his lecture with the question of what humans are after in their lives. He quotes a statement from William James, "The fundamental motivation of all human action is the pursuit of happiness.
"Everyone, he said, has their way to achieve happiness—some for example, in the pursuit of power, some by doing things that provide temporary pleasure. Meanwhile, happiness can be achieved if you can live a good life, that is, a life that fulfils your human nature."Apart from personal happiness, happiness as a nation also needs to be cultivated. This mutual happiness can be achieved through self-actualization of every citizen so that it is useful for the Indonesian government. The way to achieve national satisfaction has been implied in the three stanzas of Indonesia Raya songs, "he said.
Quoting Bung Hatta's statement, Yudi said that anyone who wants to be useful and unite Indonesia must have a broad mentality. "The mentality should be spread throughout the nation, especially for the younger generation" he added.
Yudi figured that developing Indonesia was not enough to rely on financial capabilities, natural resources and skills. Still, social life is also essential, especially the ability to find similarities between the many differences. Indonesia has found an equation that binds its citizens morally, namely Pancasila which includes the same three human essences, namely (1) fulfilment of the body and spirit, (2) providing rights and obligations as individuals and social beings, and (3) respect each other as creatures.
To realize a fortunate Indonesia, every citizen must know and carry out the vision and mission of a state based on the contents of Pancasila.
"Everyone is not born in vain. God uniquely created us with several potentials. Life is not only about pursuing a personal career but also fulfilling a moral purpose," Yudi stated.
Reporter: Indah Lestari (Environmental Eng 2016)
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Eng. 2020)