Mobile Wireless Routers to Build IT Infrastructure for Emergency Disaster Response

In disaster management, especially in the emergency phases such as evacuation and channeling resources, as detailed in Undang-Undang no. 24 year 2007, there is a need to have real time and accurate information. Using this information, disaster management and monitoring and sending aid can be done quickly, efficiently, and effectively by the...

November 12, 2010

ITB-BMW Cooperation Develop Biodiesel

BANDUNG, - PT. BMW Indonesia in cooperation with the Research Organisation and Community Services (LPPM) Bandung Institute Of Technology (ITB) developing the resource biodiesel materials through the application of hydrogenation. PT. BMW Indonesia, represented by its President Director, Joerg Kelling, signing a cooperation with Prof.Dr....

May 29, 2009

ITB Team Win Twice In PKM Teknologi 2008

BANDUNG, – A research paper titled “Benefit of Aluminum and Polyethylene from Tetra Pack Waste with Hot Pressing Method” of an ITB Chemical Engineering student Nazrul Munir (13006102), Arrijal Sidik (13006055), Fernando (13006009), Hamzah Rahawarin (13006089), and Saeful Rohman (13006061) won in 2 Student Creativity in Technology...

July 19, 2008

UDeveLoP: Real Potential to Eradicate Poverty

BANDUNG, This year, KK PPK (Kelompok Keahlian Perencanaan & Perancangan Kota) SAPPK returned writing through the ITB Excellence Research. The research titled ” Urban Development through Local Partnership (UdeveLoP)” is no normal research but an action research expected to directly be felt by the society made the study object....

May 05, 2008