ITB-BMW Cooperation Develop Biodiesel

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - PT. BMW Indonesia in cooperation with the Research Organisation and Community Services (LPPM) Bandung Institute Of Technology (ITB) developing the resource biodiesel materials through the application of hydrogenation. PT. BMW Indonesia, represented by its President Director, Joerg Kelling, signing a cooperation with Prof.Dr. Indratmo Sukarno, Chairman of LPPM ITB on Wednesday (27/5/2009).
The ITB welcomed the support of IBM in this research. "Hopefully, the relationship between ITB and BMW will be closer because this research showing the seriousness of ITB to develop alternative energy," said Indratmo Sukarno, as quoted from

Research assistance of biodiesel is expected to help Indonesia develop a diesel fuel in accordance with the standard diesel engine needs at this time. In addition, the research to aim the education about diesel engine and the environment, so that it is expected for people to know the benefits of the fuel that is renewable.

Development of biodiesel by ITB that is in line with BMW that want to market the  diesel engine vehicle in Indonesia. However, It has not achieve yet because the standard of quality diesel fuel has not been in accordance with the current engine common-rail by BMW. "One way is to develope the diesel fuel from vegetative material by collaborating within universities institutions. I'm happy that ITB has developed the biodiesel from materials that is not for food. In fact, using other sources that is not from material that has been developed for this, such as palm oil, "said Jörg Kelling as sited from

Meanwhile, Dr Ir Tatang Hernas from Faculty of Industrial Technology Chemistry Engineering explained that the materials used from biodiesel derived from plants which are found in West Java, such as Sunan pecan, hazelnut oil, and rubber seeds. "We continue to explore various sources of material for biodiesel. Not only on the biji jarak that is can be close to the needs of quality standards for diesel engines today. However, using other plants which of course will be better. In this case we based on not using the plant for food, including palm oil, " he said.


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