Revealing the Existence of “Home” in the Milky Way Galaxy Throughout Time

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG,— The knowledge of the Milky Way galaxy only began to develop hundreds of years ago by scientists across nations. In the 1600s, Galileo Galilei used his telescope and discovered illuminating regions from dimmed stars that extended outwards.

Other revelations continue to unfold as science and technology evolve. Around 100 years ago, the Milky Way was revealed not to be the only known galaxy; it is one of the 125 million galaxies found in the universe.

The discussion about the Milky Way is the third part of the webinar series “Virtual Observation of the Night Sky” held by ITB’s Bosscha Observatory on Saturday, 12 June 2021. Titled “The Milky Way Galaxy Throughout Time”, the event had invited experienced astronomy specialists such as the following: Dr.rer.nat. Hesti Retno Tri Wulandari, a lecturer from the Astronomy Study Program; Muhammad Yusuf, a representative from Bosscha Observatory; and Zulkarnain, who works as an astronomer. It is open to the public and accessible via YouTube and Slido.

The process of finding out the details of our “home” is challenging, according to Hesti. Since we are already inside the galaxy, the most feasible way to guess its shape, composition, size, and other characteristics is through researching neighboring galaxies.
Based on Edwin Hubble’s shape and morphology classification, the Milky Way is barred spiral (SB) and categorized between b and c subclass- it is defined as SBbc. It is composed of stars that comprise most of its space, along with gases (10%) and dust (1%).
More information about the Milky Way is shared by the three astronomers. For instance, M. Yusuf shared several sky observations taken from Bosscha Observatory (Lembang, West Java) and Azcotico Observatory (Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara).

From the pictures shown, both Eagle and Omega Nebula appeared close; in reality, they are far apart by tens of light-years. In those regions, newborn stars- which are blue-colored and possess high temperatures- undergo the excitation process by hydrogen gas. Additionally, they release a large amount of energy that triggers the occurrence, setting free the electrons while emitting red lights.
Other discoveries regarding the Milky Way galaxy will continue to expand and more of its fascinating facts will be found by researchers. Astronomers frequently study the physics of the universe to provide a concrete explanation for its basis of occurrence, especially in our home.

Reporter: Hanan Fadhilah Ramadhani (Teknik Sipil Angkatan 2019)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Teknik Lingkungan, 2019)

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