Robotic team ITB Won at The 19th FIRA Robo World Cup 2014
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

FIRA is an annual robotics competition was first held in 1995 at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea and started to become an international competition in 1996. FIRA was established with the aim to develop the spirit of science and robotics technology for the laity and young people through the game of football and athletics robot. The competition consists of six categories of competition, namely MiroSot, SimuroSot, RoboSot, HuroCup, AmireSot, and AndroSot. FIRA the 19th was followed by eight countries and held in conjunction with the competition International Robot Olympiad (IRO).
This year the team URO ITB, which is the only representative of Indonesia, following the race category HuroCup. HuroCup or Humanoid Robotic Cup is a competition that resembles a humanoid robot branch of athletics. Teams are listed in this category can follow the race with sub categories Lift and Carry, Sprint, Obstacle Run, Basketball, Weight Lifting, Climbing Wall, Marathon, and the United Soccer. This HuroCup followed by 28 teams from Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, China, Canada, England, and Mexico.
ITB URO team consisting Sholehhudin Al Ayubi (Physics 2011), Milky Nugraha Sanusi (Electrical Engineering 2011), Yaqub Aris Prabowo (Electrical Engineering 2011), Muhammad Luqman (Electrical Engineering 2011), Primawan Dwi Nugroho (Electrical Engineering 2011), Alinda Nur Fitriana (Electrical Engineering 2012), Radhian ferel Armansyah (Electrical Engineering 2012), Alam Setyo Nugroho (Mechanical Engineering 2012), Rakhmatullah Yoga (Computer Science 2012), Irvin Shandy (Mechanical Engineering 2012), Khoirunnisa Afifah (Computer Science 2012), Fahziar Riesad Wutono (Computer Science 2012), Rev. Trisvianto (Physics 2012), and Eko Budi Satriyo (Mechanical Engineering 2012) sends four robots to compete and won the second prize in the sub categories of race United Soccer.
"In this year FIRA competition is much tougher than last year FIRA in Malaysia. The teams are expected to win it does not work this year. But the teams that can say 'new' became a team that can not be underestimated. Seeing of this development, for the next expected ITB team can improve the preparation and performance in order to compete with world-class teams, " Luqman said.