Roles and Applications of Graph Theory in Daily Life
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – In their daily lives, people cannot escape the concept of measurements, structures, and spaces which are studied in Mathematics. Math is the key to the advancement of other sciences, especially for future development of technology. This was stated by Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro in Graph Theory and Applications MIPAnet School 2019 lecture series held on Friday, (15/2/2019) in Study Hall Room, 5th Floor CAS Building of ITB.
Prof. Edy also addressed data released by World Economic Forum on The Global Competitiveness Report (GOR) 2018. It enlists annual report on nations competitiveness viewed from infrastructures, technology adaptation, economy and business stability, health, skill, and innovation. “On GOR 2018, Indonesia overall sits on the 45th out of 140 countries. It proves that Mathematics is urgently needed for advancement of Indonesia because Mathematics is fundamental to many life aspects,” he asserts.
During the lecture, he cited about The Era of Mathematics, a review by Prof. Philip Bond which is issued by United Kingdom Research and Innovation. “Prof. Bond states that today, mathematics has significant roles in health, engineering, social and economics hence he called this era as the era of Mathematics,” said Prof. Edy.
One of branches of Mathematics is Graph Theory that studies graphs. Graphs are modeled to connect between things. Informally, graph is a knot or set of things connected by surfaces. This theory is modeled into various relations and processes in information system.
Historically, a Swiss mathematician named Leonhard Euler wrote a journal in 1736 on Graph Theory, titled “Seven Bridge of Konigsberg”. Euler’s analysis discusses the existence of structures that connect Konigsberg and Kaliningrad, Russia and a small island connected by seven bridges. “In digital era, Graph Theory is beneficial in creating links on the internet, algorithm, transportation, artificial intelligence, and many other things,” said this professor in Combinatory Mathematic Research Group.
Now in Industry 4.0, future industrial activities will be dominantly conducted by machines which use cyber system or coordinate each other using internet connection. That machine automation requires a system that translate external data as the input to conduct an action. The system is usually referred to as artificial intelligence (AI). “AI uses complex procedure or algorithm. External data as the input is also available as big data that accumulate data in a massive number,” he explained.
Moreover, Graph Theory is also beneficial in data mining, a process to find a pattern or information in big data. The pattern should be easy to understand and can direct to frequent occurrence in a set of data. “In data mining there are 4 approaches, grouping, classification, prediction, and estimation. These aim to find order inherent to big data such as frequently purchased product in online transactions, prediction of related products, DNA type sensitive to new medicine where graph is everywhere,” he said.
At the end of the lecture, Prof. Edy asserted the importance of Graph Theory in solving problems on many fields. “The use of Graph Theory will increase, in line with development of Mathematics. It is required to enhance the capability of Indonesians in innovation in order to achieve bigger benefit, especially in enhancing Nation’s economy and technology development,” he concluded.
Reporter: Billy Akbar Prabowo