Seminar Indonesian Undergraduate Geophysics Competition (IUGC) 2013: Challenges For Indonesia's Energy Needs
By Akbar Syahid Rabbani
Editor Akbar Syahid Rabbani

In the seminar which lasted from 09:00 to 16:00, a variety of things about the oil and energy are discussed clearly enough. Beginning of the legal basis for the oil and gas sector in Indonesia, namely Act - Act 22 of 2012, conditions in Indonesia gas production continues to rise and the decline of oil production, to use shale gas ratio in the country - other countries such as China and the U.S. which is certainly a motivation for Indonesia to continue to catch up.
Seminar IUGC coming into the series of events Indonesian Geophysics Undergraduate Competition (IUGC) 2013 with the theme of Indonesian Challenging Hydrocarbon. In addition to seminars, Geophysical Engineering Student Association, which acts as the committee also include Student Competition, Workshop and Closing Event in a series of events. The event is expected to be an early provision of information for the development of a more varied energy exploration and beneficial to society at large.