Six Best Students of ITB Were Sent to Japan

Oleh Medhira Handinidevi

Editor Medhira Handinidevi

BANDUNG, - Six of ITB Best Students from every faculty that had been announced in the Inaugural Ceremony 2013/2014 were flown to Toyohashi, japan. They were assigned to represent ITB for International Student Seminar (ISS) 2013 on Monday-Wednesday (02-11/09/13). With the companion from Dr. Ir. Sandro Mihradi, Dr. Tri Desmana Rachmilda,ST. MT, and Prof.Dr.Ir Ichsan Setya Putra, these six students visited Toyohashi University of Technology (TUT) to build an international network and held a group discussion in ISS 2013.

The six students were Tubagus Andhika Nugraha (Informatics Engineering '10), Jeffry Torhis Simandjuntak (Oceanography '10), Shabrina Nida Al-Huda (Microbiology '10), Medhira Handinidevi (Urban and Regional Planning '10), Adryana Putri (Visual Commnication and Design '10), and of course the Ganesha Prize winner, Marsha Faradina (Chemical Engineering '09). These six students were among the top six Best Students of ITB. "Two of them (the top six) were unable to join the program due to their obligation to complete final examination or they're already graduated from ITB," explained one of the staff in the LK ITB.


ISS 2013 were a program that were initiated by TUT and ITB. The years before, these two top-universities already held these kind of program under the name International University Exchange Seminar (IUES). In 2011 and 2012, IUES was held in ITB. This year's format was not completely new, but there are several development such as the number of participants and universities involved and of course the location of the event itself. Universitas Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) were also invited to create more color to the event.


This year, ISS 2013 brought up the theme "The Role of Engineers in Solving Environmental Problems." All of the participants, totaled 40 people, were divided into six groups. Each of the group was then decided their own spesific topic for the entire program. At the end of the program, each group must present their ideas about the role of engineers in solving environmental problems according to their chosen topic. In the discussion, participants was free to chose any topic, according to their field of interest and their background of knowledge.


Throughout the program, participants were introduced to some of the most advanced laboratory in TUT. Apart from that, participants had the chance to taste the Japanese culture and lifestyle by going through homestay program for 3 days. Every participants was assigned to one host-parents where they will have the best opportunity to experience Japan. From 10 days of ISS program, 3 days of homestay were not sufficient enough, according to Indonesian students.


"This program opened my eyes and thoughts, and so now we can see each problems in Indonesia in a more holistic perspective," said Adryana. Both in group discussion and also when in homestay, these six students received a new knowledge about Japan and also the global issues that are happening around us. "In conclusion, I learn more than what I had expected before," said Jeffry who won the Best Presentation in ISS 2013.

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