PSB 2012: Cultural Market Brings Out Local Culinary
By Amelia Rahma Faustina
Editor Amelia Rahma Faustina

Cutural Market enlivened by a variety of food booths. Starting from the ice Candil, ketoprak jakarta, mpek-mpek Palembang, green banana ice makassar, spring rolls, meatballs know, until mendoan. Moreover, several stands sells batik.
Mendoan as the Most Favorite FoodAmong all the stands, The Mendoan stand is relatively more crowded that the others. Booths set up by some students of Industrial Engineering has even run out of tempe supplies during the day. Not surprisingly, stands adjacent to the Cultural Market, there is also an event called Ganesha Membatik, held by PSTK ITB, which apparently also have an impact on Cultural Market.
As one of the organizers, Qurrota A'yun, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) 2011. The girl who was familiarly called Ota is from Purwakarta and admitted an addiction to mendoan. "That was a great mendoan. I really love tempe, especially tempe mendoan. Among the other booths, stand mendoan the cheapest," said Ota.
Visitors come from students and also from outside the ITB ITB. In fact, several alumni of ITB in the 1970s appear to be present to enjoy the typical local snacks. The alumni came with their families. Typical of the region while enjoying snacks, they can reminisce and tell their children their ups and downs in college in the ITB.
Culture Market event as a pre-event PSB was created as one means to raise the Indonesian food that has all but replaced their position by the foods from abroad. The committee hopes that with the Cultural Market, Indonesian people would love local food, or know, and never tasted Indonesian food.