ITB and BPPT Signed the MoU for the Collaboration in Research-Based Master's Education Program (MBR) and the Partnership Doctorate Program (PDK)
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Supporting national programs and development in research and technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung signed an MoU with Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) or the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Friday (28/5/2020 ).
The MoU deals with the Research-Based Master's Education Program (MBR) and the Partnership Doctorate Program (PDK). Present on occasion were the Dean of Graduate School (Prof. Dr. Suprijadi, M.Eng.), The Director of Non-Regular Education (Prof. Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha, S.Si., M.Sc.), the Head of BPPT (Dr Ir. Hammam Riza, M.Eng., IPU), the Secretary of BPPT (Ir. Dadan Muh. Nurjaman, MT), the Head of General Bureau of BPPT (Ir. R. Guntur Haryanto, MM), the Head of PUSBINDIKLAT BPPT (Dr. Aton Yulianto, M.Sc.) and the Head of the Legal, Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau BPPT (Dr.rer.nat. Chaidir).
According to the mandate of the Constitution Law about National System of Science and Technology (UU Sisnas Iptek), Hammam Riza said that the results of Research and Development should be the scientific basis for national development. For this reason, increasing the competence of Human Resources is an essential step in carrying out research breakthroughs and innovations.
He added that BPPT continues to implement the eight technology focus areas and implement P3DN as much as possible. The goal is mastering technology and producing innovation, and ensuring the success of its application. "Therefore, BPPT signed a collaboration with ITB regarding the Research-Based Masters and Partnership Doctoral education program," he said.
Dean of ITB Graduate School, Prof. Dr. Suprijadi, M.Eng. strongly supports the synergy of education and innovation, according to the mission and expertise in innovating for the benefit of the community through several existing centers of excellence the mitigation sector, the food sector and so on. "This is the right step through synergy to encourage BPPT HR in producing innovations," he explained.
Furthermore, the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Quality Assurance of the ITB Graduate School, Prof. Dr.mont. M. Zaki Mubarok, S.T., M.T., said, through the collaboration between the MBR and PDK Programs, BBPT will send its staff to participate in the MBR and PDK programs starting in semester 1 of 2021-2022.
Prof. Zaki explained that this collaboration aims to synergize the potential of the two parties related to human resources, research facilities, and research collaboration. "We hoped that masters and doctors students could be the innovators through research collaborations by being participants in our programs," he stated.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)