KainoTech: Microcontroller Technology Innovation Exhibition by 2023 Electrotechnics Students

By M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id — The Institut Teknologi Bandung Electrotechnics Student Association (HME ITB) held the KainoTech exhibition. This event was part of the Masa Bina Cinta initiative, an orientation program for students in the association that supports undergraduate students in Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Electrical Power Engineering. The event aimed to encourage participants to hone their creativity and showcase their best works.

“This is a golden opportunity for us, the 2023 cohort, who are about to enter our department, to channel ideas that can solve everyday problems. In Greek, Kainos means innovation. We were encouraged to come up with technological innovations, especially in the field of microcontrollers. Additionally, this exhibition served as a platform to apply the knowledge shared by our seniors,” said the exhibition's chairperson, Nabil Zaka Diya Rismawan (Electrical Engineering, 2023).

A total of 216 students, divided into 26 groups, were tasked with designing innovative products within a two-week period. The exhibition which held at ITB's CRCS Building, Ganesha Campus, on Wednesday (8/21/2024), attracted 789 visitors. Attendees could vote on their favorite projects. The three most popular works were SHUT! BANG, SOTONG, and AMBATUKAM.

SHUT! BANG is a Bluetooth-controlled pistol using a microcontroller. By pressing a button on software connected to Bluetooth, users can fire bullets from the pistol. The tool was developed as an interactive and fun form of entertainment, especially for children and teenagers who need more varied physical and mental stimulation. Its main components include Arduino Uno, RFID Sensor, 5V Relay Module Arduino, and 9G Servo.

Next is SOTONG, an acronym for Sistem Monitor Tingkat Kepenuhan Isi Tong Sampah (Trash Bin Fill-Level Monitoring System). This device monitors when the trash bin is full and detects the presence of foreign gases in the bin. Its components include the HC-SR04 for detecting bin depth, ESP32 for processing and connecting components, and the MQ2 for detecting gas concentration levels.

Another innovation is the carbon smoke and vapor hazard monitoring tool and methane analysis (AMBATUKAM). This product focuses on creating an IoT-based system to detect fires and LPG gas leaks. The system integrates several components, such as the MQ-2 gas sensor and buzzer. The microcontrollers used include Arduino Uno and NodeMcu. The sensor data can be connected and transmitted via the internet and displayed on an application called Blynk IoT. Its key features include multi-gas detection, real-time data analysis, and automatic warning alarms with high accuracy. This brilliant innovation helps reduce the risk of fires and explosions caused by gas leaks.

According to Bright Christian Kusuma (Electrical Engineering, 2021), KainoTech is an important moment to showcase the potential, capacity, and skills of the 2023 Electrotechnics cohort. “We want to create an orientation atmosphere that is relevant and beneficial. The participants can learn to work together in designing the exhibition and applying the knowledge they've learned to produce innovative, problem-solving technology,” said the HME ITB chairman.

“Typically, departmental orientation programs are associated with seniority and hazing. However, Masa Bina Cinta offers a fun and meaningful orientation. Not only are social skills honed, but we are also trained to become skilled in tinkering with tools, as seen in this exhibition,” said Nabil.

Reporter: Maharani Rachmawati Purnomo (Oceanography, 2020)
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2024)
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)i