Students of ITB Won Titles in Petrogas Days UI 2017

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Students of ITB have once again proven their academic excellences at both national and international levels with recent titles in Petrogas Days UI that was held by Society of Chemical Engineering Student of Universitas Indonesia (UI) in cooperation with Society of Petroleum Engineers UI – Student Chapter (SPE UI-SC) and Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers – Student Chapter UI (IATMI SM-UI)

This competition, held at Chemical Engineering Building of UI on Thursday-Saturday (16-18/03/17) is an annual competition in chemical engineering fields. The theme this year is “Empowering Energy Development with Innovative & Creative Economy Integration”. Series of events following Petrogas Days UI 2017 consist of Chemical Product Design Competition (CPDC) with the topic “Empowering Technopreneurship through Specialty Chemical Development”, Case Study with the topic “Biodiesel Role in Indonesia’s 2025 Energy Mix”, Student Energy-Model United National (SE-MUN) Conference and Grand Seminar.

In this Petrogas Days UI 2017, ITB won the 1st place in Chemical Product Design Competition through Team Graphene that was consisted of Dessi AEB Ginting (Chemical Engineering 2013), Serra Delvira (Chemical Engineering 2013), Stenly Hutapea (Chemical Engineering 2013), and Yohana Betania (Industrial Engineering Management 2013). ITB also won the 1st place in Case Study through Team ESCOVA that was consisted of Irfaan Taufiiqul Rayadi (Chemical Engineering 2013), Haryo Pambudi (Petroleum Engineering 2013) and Singgih Chandra Prakosa (Petroleum Engineering 2013). ITB also won the 2nd place in Case Study through Team ICEBLASTER that was consisted of Chrysaeta Filian Doni (Petroleum Engineering 2013), Yehezkiel David Pradhipta (Petroleum Engineering 2013 and Prayudha Rifqi Safiraldi (Petroleum Engineering 2013). In CPDC, ITB managed to have three out of eight teams in the final.

The Processes these ITB teams had gone through were not easy. The selection process began with abstract submission and full paper submission. In Case Study, the teams had to present their design and their suggested solution to the jury. In CPDC, Team Graphene even had to demonstrate their product to the jury.

Greeted at the end of Petrogas Days UI’s main event, one member of ITB teams, Serra Delvira admitted that she did not expect ITB would win many titles. She felt happy that she could learn about marketing and other interdisciplinary sciences during the competition. “I hope the students of chemical engineering and other study programs at ITB will continue to work and benefit the people around,” added Sera, ending the interview.

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