Prof. Trio Adiono Develops the First Chip Design House Industry in Indonesia

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Prof. Trio Adiono, ST., MT., Ph.D

BANDUNG, – Electronics industry is one of the industries with the biggest export. In advanced countries, electronic industry becomes the biggest contributor to GDP. However, in Indonesia, electronic components dependency remains a problem and even though Indonesian experts have studied better to design, in Industrial scale the results remain minimal. This encourages Prof. Trio Adiono to develop the first design house industry in Indonesia.

Early Interest towards Electronics
In an interview on Monday (19/8/2019) in Bandung, with great enthusiasm, Prof. Trio Adiono explained his journey and experience in developing microelectronics in Indonesia. It started in ITB in 1994, when he conducted research for his final assignment and thesis on design of chip and processor. He took further study on microelectronics at Tokyo Institute of Technology in its doctoral program. After finishing his doctor and post-doctor studies, he worked for a chip design house company in Japan.

“When I was little, electrics looked sophisticated and interesting because it can change something motionless becomes moving, something uncontrolled becomes controllable,” said Prof. Trio Adiono.

He decided to move back home to Indonesia to realize his dream, building electronics industry in Indonesia.

The First Chip Design House Industry
His determination to develop high technology products finally paid off. The industry that he developed has enabled chip design in Indonesia. A company named PT. Xirka Silicon Technology that he built engages in design of semiconductor chipset. The company is the first chip design house in Indonesia and focuses on designs of electronic components, thus may referred to as product owner.

*Smart card planted with local chipset

The products that have been produces are, for example, 4G/WiMax, smart cards, and IoT chips. The smart cards have been used in several universities such as in Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Hassanuddin, University of Indonesia, Telkom University and Universitas Riau.

Challenges of Electronic Industry
According to Prof. Trio Adiono, the major difficulty of building a chip design house industry is the marketing. Local products sold in Indonesia face difficulties in sales.

“Challenges of hi-tech industry in Indonesia without interference from regulators will be quite tough. It is because we are head-to-head against massive international companies. They already have high efficiency and hence can sell with lower prices, and this is a challenge for us,” Prof. Trio Adiono explained.

Technically, human resources in Indonesia needs improvement both in quality and in quantity. The field is also short of the talents; it has yet to reach the critical mass.

“Hopefully products which have been received by people of Indonesia will be a booming, bring benefits, and useful for the people so that other industries can develop in Indonesia,” said Prof. Trio Adiono.

He also gave a message to students, “Make something until it completely finishes. Because what we do hopefully becomes useful. It is not only about focus, but also steadfastness,” he concluded.

Reporter: Annisa Nur Diana (Environmental Engineering 2015)

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