Students Symphony in Guitar and Piano Concert by ITB Student Orchestra
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – ITB Student Orchestra held a guitar and piano concert titled La Symphonie d’Etudiants. This annual concert was held at ITB West Hall on 29 April 2023 and succeeded in attracting audiences from various social classes. Students, lecturers, and campus stakeholders attended the classical music concert held by ITB students.
"In this concert, we will enjoy the beautiful harmony of guitar and piano, immersing ourselves in the students' joy and sorrow. We will be taken to experience a journey that can open our minds and soul so that we can understand more the dynamics of the life of our students," said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Widjaja Martokusumo, the University Secretary, in his remark.
This concert was aimed to introduce classical music to a broader audience and to become a platform for ITB Student Orchestra members to display their musical talents.
"ITB Student Orchestra has always been organizing annual concerts regularly for a long time. However, our annual concert was interrupted due to COVID-19. Our last show was in 2019 at ITB East Hall and IFI Bandung. In 2021, we held the concert online.
Furthermore, in 2023, we managed to hold an offline concert," said the Concert Leader, Dewangga Syahputra (Civil Engineering, 2019).
ITB Student Orchestra chose guitar and piano as the main performance in this concert. However, other musical instruments, such as contrabass and violin, were played as piano duets. In this concert, 31 ITB Student Orchestra members from the class of 2019 to 2022 performed songs from famous composers worldwide.
"We performed songs from famous composers such as Saint-Sanes, Rachmaninoff, to Chopin. We also performed several contemporary songs, such as You Say Run! From My Hero Academica," said the Music Director, Fakhry Muhammad K. (Civil Engineering, 2019).
The Concert Field-Coordinator, Grace Trinita L.S. (Industrial Engineering, 2019), conveyed that this event is the culmination of the high enthusiasm of ITB Student Orchestra members. "The preparation for this year's concert is relatively very short," she said.
After the guitar and piano concerts finished, ITB Student Orchestra members began their practice. They shifted their focus to prepare for another concert.
Reporter: Afgha Izzam Tursina (Petroleum Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)