ITB and The Naval Hydro-Oceanography Center (Pushidrosal) Cooperation: What to Expect in the Upcoming Future

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) received a visit from The Naval Hydro-Oceanography Center (Pushidrosal) on Thursday (22/2/2024) in Rapim Room A, ITB Rectorate Building, Tamansari Road, Bandung. This visit mainly discussed the possible collaboration that will be carried out by both parties.

The Naval Pushidrosal team was greeted directly by the Head of the Quality Assurance Unit of Institut Teknologi Bandung (SPM-ITB) Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Poerbandono, S.T., M.M., in which he responded positively. During the occasion, Prof. Poerbandono conveyed several points of cooperation that will be established with the Pushidrosal in the upcoming future. This cooperation covers several fields including education, experiment, and research.

"Some of the programs include the Hydrographic Surveyor Education Program "CAT-A", the S-100 Data Management Development Program, the Indonesian Nautical Nature Making Program (ANI), and the ITB Postgraduate Education Program," he stated.

In addition to that, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS), Prof. Ir. Wahyu Srigutomo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FEST), Prof. Dr. Irwan Meilano, S.T., M.Sc. were present during the event.

In regards to the upcoming collaboration within the field of education, the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FEST) Prof. Dr. Irwan Meilano said that the faculty is currently designing a new curriculum that is more adaptive to the needs of the Indonesian Navy, focusing mainly on their postgraduate education system.

It is hoped that in the new curriculum, students coming from the Navy can obtain a more flexible study program in pursuing their degree, allowing them to do a hybrid lecture tailored to their needs. ITB also plans to  assign its lecturers to share knowledge in the Pushidrosal.

"The hope is that this new curriculum can help provide a product that is useful for future industrial needs," said Prof. Irwan.

On the other hand, Pushidrosal Commander Vice Admiral Budi Purwanto expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the newly-established collaboration between the two occuring parties.

According to him, the planned programs are in line with the vision and mission of the Pushidrosal, which is applicable and hopefully can provide benefits in the near future.

Furthermore, he stated that the development and research cooperation carried out with ITB, especially in the field of Hydrography and Oceanography, could help the Navy to further expand the Naval’s maritime defense.

"I hope that this technology can be more developed," he added.

It is stated that by establishing cooperation between ITB and the Indonesian Navy’s Pushidrosal Team, especially in the marine department, can further enhance the supply for a more superior and high achieving marine professional human resources.

This meeting was concluded by a diplomatic gift exchange and a group photo on the podium of Rapim Room A.

Reporter: Andri Maulana (Mining Engineering, 2020)
Translator: Kezia Hosana
Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2024)

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