Technology Touch for Developing National Excellence
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

Prof. Emil Salim was the key speaker in the closing of the International Seminar ITB Gold Anniversary field in Environmental Management, Infrastructure and Regional Development initiated by the Center for Environmental Research Management, Regional Development and Infrastructure ITB.
Prof. Emil Salim, had served as the Ministry of the Environment in the era of President Soeharto, well mention the benefits of leech, oil shark, butterfly cocoon, aloe vera, hibiscus, reed, sweet star fruit, mengkudu, and pine for the future of industry. Specially, because those animals and plants is a typical live in tropical area, may be difficult to be imitated by other nations. Various types of traditional medicine, said Emil, has been known in Indonesia as the local wisdom bequeathed from generation to generation. However, the lack of a touch of science and technology in a variety of potential causes the difficulty of these fields to develop to the international stage. Thus, the benefits of various fauna and flora of Indonesia even found and developed in foreign countries.
Therefore, said Emil, Indonesian especially the educated people should be creative in developing and internationalize the local potential that actually has inherent in the tradition of the nation. "One hectare of land in Riau, may be far wealthier than the hundreds of hectares of land in the area of sub-tropical, so we have to build in extra caution," said Emil while mentions biotechnology, marine biology, microbiology and biomedicine as areas that promising in the future.
Emil Salim hopes ITB has a role to produce human resources who are educated and has long-term knowledegs in building Indonesia, not in the other hand destroying it. "Engineering is not carpenters, so be creative and broad-mindedness," he said.
A day earlier, the Great Teacher of FEUI Bambang PS Brodjonegoro opened the seminar about environment with the speech, entitled "Towards Developed Country Benefited Every Citizen" took place in the West Hall. In his speech, one of Indonesia vision of 2030 maker, is optimistic with the innovative technology Indonesia will be able to conduct a structural transformation to be a developed countries that is being considered. The conditions is, the development process must be together runing the three shared capital that is(1) social capital through the synergy between the private sector, professional and bureaucratic and professional that has global competitiveness, (2) natural and physical capital with the utilization of the natural wealth that is optimum and sustainable, and ( 3) the quality of human capital.
In realizing the goal, said Bambang, ITB can develop the role of technology to manage natural resources so that it has a higher value. High value added industries will improve the economic self-reliance so that in time, Indonesia can become a country that is high respected by the world.
Besides a role in technology innovation, according to Bambang, ITB should encourage alumni to grow into a strong entrepreuneurships who can create many jobs field and compete in the international level.
Prof. Emil Salim, had served as the Ministry of the Environment in the era of President Soeharto, well mention the benefits of leech, oil shark, butterfly cocoon, aloe vera, hibiscus, reed, sweet star fruit, mengkudu, and pine for the future of industry. Specially, because those animals and plants is a typical live in tropical area, may be difficult to be imitated by other nations. Various types of traditional medicine, said Emil, has been known in Indonesia as the local wisdom bequeathed from generation to generation. However, the lack of a touch of science and technology in a variety of potential causes the difficulty of these fields to develop to the international stage. Thus, the benefits of various fauna and flora of Indonesia even found and developed in foreign countries.
Therefore, said Emil, Indonesian especially the educated people should be creative in developing and internationalize the local potential that actually has inherent in the tradition of the nation. "One hectare of land in Riau, may be far wealthier than the hundreds of hectares of land in the area of sub-tropical, so we have to build in extra caution," said Emil while mentions biotechnology, marine biology, microbiology and biomedicine as areas that promising in the future.
Emil Salim hopes ITB has a role to produce human resources who are educated and has long-term knowledegs in building Indonesia, not in the other hand destroying it. "Engineering is not carpenters, so be creative and broad-mindedness," he said.
A day earlier, the Great Teacher of FEUI Bambang PS Brodjonegoro opened the seminar about environment with the speech, entitled "Towards Developed Country Benefited Every Citizen" took place in the West Hall. In his speech, one of Indonesia vision of 2030 maker, is optimistic with the innovative technology Indonesia will be able to conduct a structural transformation to be a developed countries that is being considered. The conditions is, the development process must be together runing the three shared capital that is(1) social capital through the synergy between the private sector, professional and bureaucratic and professional that has global competitiveness, (2) natural and physical capital with the utilization of the natural wealth that is optimum and sustainable, and ( 3) the quality of human capital.
In realizing the goal, said Bambang, ITB can develop the role of technology to manage natural resources so that it has a higher value. High value added industries will improve the economic self-reliance so that in time, Indonesia can become a country that is high respected by the world.
Besides a role in technology innovation, according to Bambang, ITB should encourage alumni to grow into a strong entrepreuneurships who can create many jobs field and compete in the international level.