The 7th IICIES 2015: Developing Indonesia's Potency of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business

Oleh Vinskatania Agung A

Editor Vinskatania Agung A

BANDUNG, - On December 31, 2015, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will take effect formally. This will eliminate the boundaries between ASEAN member countries so that competition among providers of goods and services will be intense. As a country with population  over 240 million people, Indonesia has a huge potency to become a major player in the AEC, but that requires a commitment. Centre for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership of School of Business and Management ITB (SBM ITB CIEL) contribute to develop the potency of Indonesia in the world of entrepreneurship, innovation, and business in order to compete internationally by organizing the International Conference in Innovation, the 7th Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IICIES) on Tuesday untill Thursday (04-06/08/15) held at Hotel H Clarity, Bandung.

At the conference, CIEL SBM ITB presented 8 (eight) speakers from various countries, including Soobrian Lloyd (Professor of Berkeley College USA), Shivaji Das (Senior Vice President of Frost & Sullivan Singapore), and Kazuhiro Fukuyo (Professor of Yamaguchi University of Japan).
"IICIES is a medium for researchers, academics, and practitioners to collaborate in developing innovative, entrepreneurial, and growth of small and medium enterprises through the publication of their works, seminars inspiration, proper training, and scientific discussion," said Dwi Larso as Chairman IICIES.

Currently, there are about 50 million entrepreneurs in Indonesia but 95-99% of them are categorized as small and micro informal. Dwi added that small business unit is a "hero" because it can sustain itself independently without being a burden to the government. On the other hand, the business is hard to grow so that they need help and guidance in order to survive and thrive.

By holding IICIES regularly every year, it is expected that the percentage of small business units can be reduced to help increasing the capacity of small business units into a medium-sized or large.


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