The Challenge of Forming Students Character in Digital Era
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Digital era comes along with a challenge in forming students to have good character. Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Mercu Buana University, Muhammad Iqbal, M.Sc. Ph.D., explores this issue in the Studium Generale KU-4078, Wednesday (02/12/2020) in the West Hall of Institut Teknologi Bandung. The theme raised for this Studium Generale was titled with The Challenge of Forming National Character of Students in Digital Era. "In this digital era, it is not always about being ready or not, it is also not an option if we are not ready yet. It is all about consequences. Technology will continue developing, like sea waves which always keep moving. Therefore, there is no other choice for us to also join using this technology advancement in order to get the maximum benefit of its existence,” he said.
He explained that the presence of technology is like a double-edged knife. On the one hand it has great benefits, but on the other hand it also can cause negative things. One of them is making people become anti-social. "The problems which raises today such as violence, juvenile delinquency, the threat of terrorism, drug abuse, corruption, and cyber crime can originate from access to information which is now becoming so easy, especially pornographic content. The impact of pornography could damage brain so that it cannot distinguish wrong or shame, " he stated.
Iqbal quoted the President Soekarno statement which had said that this nation must be built by prioritizing good character development. If this effort is not done well, then the Indonesian just will become a navvy nation. For this reason, character building is very important for this nation. The nature definition of character is the mind that affects all thoughts. "See the purpose of national education in Law No. 20 of 2003, one of them is to form students who have personality and good character. The legacy of our founding fathers is the values of Pancasila," explained this psychologist.
He points out that the purpose of building the nation's character is to form a strong and competitive nation, having noble mind, morality, tolerance, patriotic spirit, science and technology oriented, which are all inspired by faith and piety to God based on Pancasila. However, the problems of the current generation is the difficulty of cooperation and ethnocentrism, by considering themselves as the best ethnicity among all others. In fact, contrary to that, it was clearly stated in Pancasila that the value of our nation's character is mutual cooperation.
According to the World Economic Forum, there are new skills needed in facing this 4.0 industrial revolution. We are expected to have the ability to deal with changes in 2020 and ahead. Those skills are complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, human capital management, coordinating with a team, emotional intelligence, judgement and decision making, service oriented, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility.
"Our character values are for the relationship with God, with others, with ourselves, and with the environment. In today's digital era, what we need is a tough and strong character. If we have a big problem, do not be sad, just keep a smile and think positively," he closed.
Reporter: Salsabila Mayang Febriana
Translator: Evita Sonny