The Fastest Doctoral Graduate with 36 Scopus Publications: ITB Students Develops Energy Storage Membrane

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – A doctoral graduate from Chemical Engineering of ITB conducted a research on beneficial heterogeneous ion-exchange membrane. This ion-exchange membrane is applicable to produce ultrapure water, fuel cell electric generator, and energy storage.

The research was conducted by Khoiruddin for his graduate thesis in Doctoral Program of Chemical Engineering entitled Preparation and Characterization of Polyvinyl Chloride Based Heterogeneous Ion-Exchange Membrane. The thesis defense was successfully carried out on Open Ceremony of Postgraduate School of ITB, at Gallery Room of Chemical Engineering Study Program, on 6th July 2018. Khoiruddin explained that the research discusses the development of heterogeneous ion-exchange membrane. Ion-exchange membrane is a semi-permeable layer that let pass of ionic components. He said that the research is expected to lead to good and affordable membrane. Currently, there is no industry in Indonesia that makes similar membrane. “This ion-exchange membrane we develop have decent characteristic separation, the fabrication process is also relatively simple, and made of affordable and plentiful materials, such as PVC,” he said.

As we already know, fossil fuel reserves are thinning, hence many researches are directed toward the means to obtain alternative energy, such as solar, wind, geothermal, etc. However, another important thing to consider is the means to store those alternative energies. “Later, this ion-exchange membrane can take part in energy storage, such as redox flow battery,” he explained. Redox flow battery is a kind of batteries that is reliable and can store energy longer than other kind of batteries. This battery can store energy in medium-large capacity by applying electrochemistry system. Received energy is stored into two electrolytes, separated by ion-exchange membrane. “The membrane we develop has good quality. Tested in laboratory scale, and comparable to other membranes by other researchers. We hope that this research can be carried to industry,” he hoped.

The research has been done for 4 years since 2014. During the process, Khoiruddin said that there was no particular difficulty. Only some technical difficulties were met, such as the testing tool that should be created first and other tools disadvantages. The research was initially funded by his promoter before getting dissertation scholarship from Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) 2016, which he admit to help greatly in the completion of the research. Khoiruddin successfully published 36 Scopus indexed scientific journals where 8 of them are Q1 journals and one chapter on international book published by Elsevier. Prof. I Gede Wenten as the head of Khoiruddin’s promoters said, “We think his study time is very fast. Usually, in doctoral program in ITB, it takes 5 years or above 4.5 years to finish”. Prof Wenten also hopes that doctoral program in Indonesia can be more competitive.

Reporter: Adi Permana

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