The Nine Pride of FMIPA Students Achieved Five Titles in the International Young Chemists Summit 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—The COVID-19 pandemic did not prevent 9 FMIPA ITB students from making their alma mater proud in the international arena. They won five titles simultaneously in the 2021 International Young Chemists Summit (IYCS) announced at the end of May.
IYCS 2021 is an international competition organized by the American Chemical Society Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (ACS UTM) International Student Chapter online with the theme "Building Sustainability With Chemistry". This competition consisted of three categories: Presentation, Video, and Essay Competition, with two of which were won by FMIPA ITB students.
The first category that was won was the Presentation Competition. Under the guidance of Dr. eng. Yessi Permana, a team consisting of Eunike Kartika Salduna (Chemistry, 2017), Jeconiah Joel Siregar (Chemistry, 2019), and Mark Soesanto (TPB FMIPA, 2020) won the grand prize. Meanwhile, another team consisting of three students of the 2019 Undergraduate Program in Chemistry: Afifah Rizqina, Farra Marsyanda, and Khalisha Rhea Amalia won the 1st Consolation Prize under the guidance of Enny Ratnaningsih, Ph.D.
In the Essay Competition category, one of the 2019 Chemistry students won the main prize again. He was Muhammad Dzul Fakhri who was guided by Ir. Muhammad Ali Zulfikar, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPP. Two other students who were TPB FMIPA 2020 students also made achievements in this category. Under the guidance of Robby Roswanda, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Kevin and Muhamad Novan Agandra Rois succeeded in obtaining the 3rd Prize and 1st Consolation Prize respectively.
The entire ITB academic community congratulated the students and their supervisors for their achievements. This achievement was undoubtedly expected to ignite the enthusiasm of other ITB academics in making the name of the alma mater proud. Afifah Rizqina, as one of the winners, also left a message, "Winning and losing in competitions are normal. The important thing is learning. So, for those who want to take part in the competition, do not be afraid and just keep your spirits up!" she said excitedly.
Reporter: Ristania Putri Wahyudi (Matematika, 2019)
Translator: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)