Creating Blocker Noise Tool, Sedap Malam Team Achieves 1st Place in Okinawa Japan
By Ninik Susadi Putri
Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG , - Communication is an essential element in the life of man as a social being. As the rate of people movement getting high, the distance and the time difference between human beings cannot be avoided. This was overcome with the advancement of technology so that the difference in distance is not an obstacle to communicate. But in doing long-distance communication on the phone for example, there is often a sound disturbances called noise. This noise was very disturbing the effectiveness in communication. Based on that event, Sedap Malam team consisting of Idham Hafiz , Aditya Ferry , Septian Gilang (Electrical Engineering 2010) designed a useful tool to reduce the noise in the communication . The tool was called System on Chip Design ( SoC ) and Implementation for Noise Cancellation System . In March 2014--thanks to this tool--Sedap Malam team won the first title in the competition competitions 17th LSI Design Contest in 2014, Okinawa, Japan .
LSI Design Contest was an annual event organized by the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. The competition aims to increase the interest of undergraduate and graduate students in the world of microelectronics, especially the design of Integrated Circuit (IC) or often referred to as chips. Chip was an essential component found in almost all electronic equipment today .
Idham and his colleagues in LSI Design Contest competition begins with a participant lecture system design Very Large Integrated System (VLSI) which is the recommended course of the Electronics Research Group School of Electronics and Information Engineering (STEI) ITB. "This course was deliberately preparing students to enter the race LSI Design in Japan," Idham said. Lectured by Trio Adiono, Ph.D, the class contains the chip design process at the beginning and then at the end of the course students are guided to complete the topics that are being contested in the contest and its implementation on hardware that has been prepared.
"Before we went to Japan, there was a selection of video demos and paper based prototype that has been created with the help of our faculty. Our team is not the only one who follow the selection, but there are several other teams who participated, " Idham said. Based on the selection of paper and a demo video of the elected team, Sedap Malam was the only representative of the ITB and Indonesia to present the results in Japan.
In making system on Chip Design ( SoC ) and Implementation for Noise Cancellation System using a hardware - software, they approached to implement several algorithms in the system . This approach was done to induce flexibility in carrying out a predetermined algorithm. One of the advantages of the tools created by noise reducer Sedap Malam team is utilizing a hybrid computing features that are combinations of processors that have different functions . The use of hybrid computing to accelerate the work of the software because the algorithms are made for different functions can be run simultaneously by using two processors that have combined them. It is what leads Sedap Malam team took the first place in namely Smart Media Info ( SIS ) LSI Design Contest Award in Okinawa .
The working principle of the inoise blocker instrument by Sedap Malam detected noise in all parts of the subject by the sound signal. Sedap Malam team assumed the noise occurs in all parts. "Although there was no sound signal, noise would continue to exist, " Idham said. When a sound signal was turned off, the noise was detected in all parts. "When all the noise was detected, the noise could be controlled in terms of reduced, " Idham added. When a sound signal came back, the sound signal was clean of noise. Through that way, the information can be captured in the form of sound was perfect, there will be no errors in communication due to noise. To be applied on a commercial scale, Sedap Malam team still have to continue the development of tools that have been created .
As it was mentioned earlier, the tool created by Tim Sedap Malam included in the field of microelectronics. "During the microelectronics field was a field that less attractive to the majority of students with a reason to pursue the degree of difficulty of this field was relatively high," Idham said. It was quite ironic considering that most of the technological advances supported by the field of microelectronics." Hopefully, the achievement Sedap Malam team will stimulate the student interest in the field of microelectronics," Idham lid.
Idham and his colleagues in LSI Design Contest competition begins with a participant lecture system design Very Large Integrated System (VLSI) which is the recommended course of the Electronics Research Group School of Electronics and Information Engineering (STEI) ITB. "This course was deliberately preparing students to enter the race LSI Design in Japan," Idham said. Lectured by Trio Adiono, Ph.D, the class contains the chip design process at the beginning and then at the end of the course students are guided to complete the topics that are being contested in the contest and its implementation on hardware that has been prepared.
"Before we went to Japan, there was a selection of video demos and paper based prototype that has been created with the help of our faculty. Our team is not the only one who follow the selection, but there are several other teams who participated, " Idham said. Based on the selection of paper and a demo video of the elected team, Sedap Malam was the only representative of the ITB and Indonesia to present the results in Japan.
In making system on Chip Design ( SoC ) and Implementation for Noise Cancellation System using a hardware - software, they approached to implement several algorithms in the system . This approach was done to induce flexibility in carrying out a predetermined algorithm. One of the advantages of the tools created by noise reducer Sedap Malam team is utilizing a hybrid computing features that are combinations of processors that have different functions . The use of hybrid computing to accelerate the work of the software because the algorithms are made for different functions can be run simultaneously by using two processors that have combined them. It is what leads Sedap Malam team took the first place in namely Smart Media Info ( SIS ) LSI Design Contest Award in Okinawa .
The working principle of the inoise blocker instrument by Sedap Malam detected noise in all parts of the subject by the sound signal. Sedap Malam team assumed the noise occurs in all parts. "Although there was no sound signal, noise would continue to exist, " Idham said. When a sound signal was turned off, the noise was detected in all parts. "When all the noise was detected, the noise could be controlled in terms of reduced, " Idham added. When a sound signal came back, the sound signal was clean of noise. Through that way, the information can be captured in the form of sound was perfect, there will be no errors in communication due to noise. To be applied on a commercial scale, Sedap Malam team still have to continue the development of tools that have been created .
As it was mentioned earlier, the tool created by Tim Sedap Malam included in the field of microelectronics. "During the microelectronics field was a field that less attractive to the majority of students with a reason to pursue the degree of difficulty of this field was relatively high," Idham said. It was quite ironic considering that most of the technological advances supported by the field of microelectronics." Hopefully, the achievement Sedap Malam team will stimulate the student interest in the field of microelectronics," Idham lid.