Three Very Young Computer Whiz Gave General Lecture
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - Three very young teams of computer whiz gave a general lecture on their achievements in ITB. The event was attended by students of local junior high and high schools, aside from other notable figures such as TIB rector Prof. Akhmaloka and IT experts Dr. Budi Raharjo as ITB head of computer security. Ruby Alamsyah as digital forensics expert, Enda Nasution as a widely known IT expert, Betti Alisjahbana as ex-president of IBM Indonesia, and Roy Suryo.
"Incredible. I am proud of our children's avhievement. I have downloaded the antivirus they made," Akhmaloka stated when asked by Tina Talisa, a TVOne reporter acting as moderator in the event.
ARTAV: Third Best Indonesian-made Anti-Virus
Arrival Dwi Santosa, siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 48 Bandung ini memang patut diacungi jempol. Hobinya mengotak-atik komputer membuatnya mahir menciptakan antivirus. Komputer Rival yang pernah rusak karena terkena virus membuatnya mencoba membuat antivirus. Dengan berbekal berbagai macam panduan mengenai cara pembuatan antivirus, database virus yang ada dan tentunya bantuan dari kakaknya Taufik Aditya Utama (Siswa kelas XII IPS 3 di SMAN 25 Bandung) di bidang desain akhirnya terciptalah ARTAV.
Arrival Dwi Sentosa, an 8th grade student of SMPN 48 Bandung, deserves every thumbs up he could get. At his age, he has successfully designed a complex anti-virus system. From the numerous guides to create an anti-virus and the database provided by his older brother, ARTAV was born.
ARTAV has now been downloaded by over 150.000 users, and the download records tracked down that Indonesian users aren't the only ones downloading it. The antivirus has a unique feature not found in any other anti-viruses; the USB Protect. Islamic Social Network
A 7th grade student of Bandung Nature School Muhammad Yahya Harlan has successfully built an Islamic social networking site under the domain The site currently has over 5.500 subscribers from 52 countries. Departing from his interest in IT, Yahya learnt programming in ComLabs
ITB when he was in the 5th grade. The site has many similarities to Facebook. According to Yahya, this is intended so that users can familiarize themselves fast with its interface. The site has numerous Islam-themed applications such as Al-Quran, radio, and sermon videos.
Fahma: The Youngest Software Designer in the World
Inspired by the online game phenomenon in Indonesia, Fahma Waluya Rosmansyah, a 7th grade student of Salman Al-Farisi Junior High, has became the youngest software creator in the world. She has designed many softwares; among them is an educational game which license was bought by Nokia. With her sister Hania, she delivered a general lecture themed 'Sharing is Caring'.
"Becoming a winner is fun. BUt making others win is even more fun," said Fahma stating her motto. She has designed numerous educational games but she believes it's even better after she teaches how to to her younger sister.
Full Support for Shine Indonesia
Minister of Law and Human Rights, Patrialis Akbar, in a phonecall in that event, stated that he was very proud of the achievements of the young teenagers and free their creation from copyrights fee and prerequisites.
Meanwhile the Head of ITB Alumni (IA) Hatta Rajasa also congratulated the young achievers. He hoped that their creations would be able to somehow contribute to national economy. He also commits himself to providing scholarship to these children.