Tina Yuliani Ayuningsih, Ganesha Prize 2008 Winner

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id– Tina Yuliani Ayuningsih, Informatic Students 2005, won Ganesha Prize 2008. Ganesha Prize awarded to those best students with remarkable achievement. Ganesha Prize is not only GPA matters, it require organizational activity, committee experiences, won in competition, English skill, scientific paper, as well as insight about ITB. Best student selection is start from study program, faculty level, ITB and next to national level. Born in Klaten, July 7th 1987, Tina –member of Screaming Tree Team- is the third winner of Imagine Cup Indonesia 2008 software design competition. She is also P&G Business Champions finalist and Top10 Innovative Entrepreneur Challenge 2. On organizational background, Tina led ComLabs Free IT Student Lesson committee (2006-2007), corps assistant secretary of software engineering laboratory – Informatics ITB (2005-now), treasurer on Informatics Student Body (HMIF 2006-2007), and member of IT Development and Innovation of HMIF ITB. Amid of tight organizational activity, Tina is also noted as smart students since her GPA reach 3.64 of 4. Tina has been chosen as best student in Klaten regency since she was on SMP and SMA. “I have not decide yet whether to get job or continue my study, I am still discussing with my parent”, Tina said about her future scenario. A twenty-one young girls with ‘enthusiasm is the fuel of life’ as her motto admitted that she has her own success ingredient. “Never ending learning (in college, organization, society), continuous motivation and self improvement, respect others, pray to God, as well as mother blessing are among the key of my success”, she added. Nevertheless Tina was also experience failure. “When I got failed, I evaluate my life, restless to learn and sincere”, Tina book lover said.

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