ITB Students Achieved Single Champion in National Business Competition

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, - One more new achievement, this time a group of ITB Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management students incorporated in Marvel Team has been the overall winner (Grand Winner) at the National Business Case Competition (NBCC) 2013. Competitions were held on Monday-Thursday (16-19/09/13) and followed by 76 teams from universities all over Indonesia. Located at the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, the three ITB students took home all the singles title with the highest number of points.

NBCC 2013 is an annual national-scale business case analytical competition analysis that organized by the Student Association of Faculty of Economics and Business Management University of Padjadjaran. The competition began with the selection phase, in which the team consisting of 3 people was required to make a paper on real-life business strategy. Then, teams that pass that selection must be filtered again into 10 teams who will compete in the final stage. In this stage, ITB's tema must race with other teams from the University of Indonesia, Institute of Technologi Sepuluh November , Telkom Institute of Management, and the University of Padjadjaran which had management on their university.

The Marvel Team from ITB was represented by Muhammad Alifa Farhan (Engineering Management 2010), Ariska Djajantie (Engineering Management 2010), and Felicia Tantiana (Industrial Engineering 2010). In the final stage, teams were supposed to present the case that has been discussed before. Afterwards, they were given a new case that must be completed in just 4 hours. With the topic of state-owned enterprises, the cases presented were among the business case of Indonesian state-owned enterprises, such as PT Pos Indonesia, PT Len Industri, and the Antara news agency.

Alifa says that the most interesting case of this competition is a case of PT Pos Indonesia. Currently, PT Pos Indonesia is venturing online business and develop business, an online marketplace that shaded PT Pos Indonesia. "We are challenged to create a business strategy that this into a profitable business," said Alifa.

The Marvel Team has succeed to gain judges' attention and collected the highest points won the overall championship. In this competition, the judges were assigend based oh their related expertise in each case, the are consists of company officials from related field, academics, expert practitioners in online business, management, and digital media. By stealing the first prize on the case of PT Pos Indonesia and PT Len Industri, the team from ITB outperformed teams from other universities and won the singles champion at the NBCC 2013.

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