‘Tol Listrik’ for Equitable Development in Indonesia

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Equitable development will lift the economy of various regions and corners in Indonesia. Not only trade sector, it will also lift industry and tourism sectors.

Development also affects the need for electricity that increases over time. The archipelagic geographical condition of Indonesia, consisting of more than 17.000 islands, requires great efforts to achieve electrification equity and sustainability. This becomes a serious concern for Prof. Pekik Argo Dahono.

Taking place at Aula Barat on Saturday (2/2/2018), Prof. Pekik addressed his academic speech in front of hundreds of invited guests that carried out the theme “The Role of Electrical Power in Sustainable Power System”. Present during the academic speech, the Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya.

“The shift of electricity demand from fossil fuel to renewable energy is a must, not an option.” He said. It is reasonable, given fossil fuel source is thinning even though 50 years ahead fossil fuel energy is predicted to remain dominant.

Providers of Electrical Power in Indonesia

Currently, provision of electrical power in Indonesia, ranging from power generation, distribution, etc. are all executed by PT. PLN. However, Prof. Pekik conveyed the presence of electrical technology developed into sustainable electrical system.

“Current customers (of PLN) are passive, there are no competition between providers and consumers have absolutely no options from where the electricity is purchased,” said Prof. Pekik. Massive power plant commonly uses coals, fossil fuels, or water.

Prof Pekik predicts there will be many emerging electrical system derived from renewable energy. Supported by development of electrical technology, consumers in the future could have their own power plants. Although these power plants stand on their own, consumers in the future could share resources through big network that connects independent micro network. This what is called ‘Tol Listrik’.

‘Tol Listrik’ Completes Development of IoT

Development of Internet of Things (IoT) go in accordance with independent management of electricity. In order to realize the concept of Smart City, consumer could automatically set the utilization of electrical devices and power plants. If implemented, massive change will occur in the business of electricity supply.

However, Prof. Pekik said that the main hindrance of building ‘Tol Listrik’ is its currently expensive cost. Hopefully, the infrastructure of ‘Tol Listrik’ could be constructed together with the infrastructure for fiber optic network and palapa ring currently under construction by the government of Indonesia. Hence, equitable electrical need in all over Indonesia could soon be realized.

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