TOP: Realizing ITB Entrepreneurial University

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Division of Entrepreneurship Development of Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (LPIK) ITB held Technopreneurship Orientation Program (TOP). TOP is a business coaching program that accommodates enthusiastic students and alumni of ITB who are interested to start technology based start-up. The first meeting for TOP’s first batch was held on Wednesday (15/03/17) at LPIK ITB meeting room.

This year, LPIK ITB arranged two TOP batches. The first batch is currently executed for three months from March to the end of May 2017 while the second batch will be executed from September to November 2017. LPIK ITB has arranged a selection process for signing up participants to have 29 selected teams eligible for the first TOP batch.

Chief of Division for Entrepreneurship Development of LPIK ITB and a lecturer in School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB, Melia Famiola, Ph.D. said that the program was initially commenced in 2014 but be organized intensively and systematically under the new rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA. The program is also in line with the vision of ITB to be Entrepreneurial University.

When the program was initially commenced in 2014, the number of students who were interested to join the program was not as high. But today the number has grown significantly and LPIK respond it with TOP. The expected outcome would be the birth of technology-based start-ups from the academicians of ITB which would in turn support the realization of ITB as entrepreneurial university.

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