Total Day: Simulation Of Petroleum Mini Career Field

Oleh Cintya Nursyifa

Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, - The working world becomes a reflection of the refraction in the minds of most students. Moreover, the facts about the petroleum and gas industry that is scattering be a demotivation for students in related fields. For that purpose, besides theoretical knowledge, practical abilities gained from experiential learning can be its own add value while dabbling in the real world.
An idea born out of a TOTAL E&P Indonesia who works closely with the Department of the Professionalism of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), ITB Student Chapter for organizing a workshop entitled "Total Day on Field Development"  for students of Petroleum Engineering, Geological Engineering,  and Geophysical Engineering  of ITB. Located on an Audio Visual of Integrated Service Unit (UPT) of ITB Library, Saturday (12/09/2015), four professional practitioners of TOTAL E&P Indonesia Balikpapan present directly to divide their science. Four performers were Henricus Herwin (Chief Peciko and Bekapai Field Department),  Supriady (Chief of Geology and Geophysics Field of Peciko and Bekapai ), Firdaus Tampilang (Chief of Geology and Geophysics Field), and Irfan Taufik Rau as (Reservoir Engineer Peciko Field) which is also an alumni of Petroleum Engineering ITB. They shared their experience in handling projects in TOTAL that be served in the form of courses so that students get a sample job application in the field.

Playing Role Like Professional

In the courses done during 7 hours, the selected participants were required to explore any science they get in the classroom. During 3 hours, the first participants had to remember the theories related to the petroleum and gas field development, i.e., knowledge of science in Petroleum Engineering, Geological Engineering, and Geophysical Engineering. At the next 4 hours, participants divided into 6 small groups consisting of 5 peoples.  Each person in the group holding their own role: 1 person as CEO, 1 person as a Reservoir Engineer, 1 as Head of Geophysicist, and 1 as financial manager. They did a simulation as a company that asked to make long term planning of petroleum field development to production process. The data provided by the TOTAL is original data from one field at the Mahakam Block. At the end of the event, discussion forum as an open tender process in the company is hold.

Solving case studies in Total Day demand a strong analysis of the three aspects of the study program. Therefore, the participants of this course are the student who had passed the selection. According to Jordi Lokanata, Head of the Professionalism Department SPE ITB SC, applicants of this course exploded until they reach 280 peoples. The officials were considering the selected participants based on Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK), track record of the activeness each individual, as well as the composition of the number of men and women. As a result, there were 30 participants are expected to build a comprehensive discussion atmosphere during the course progress.

During the event, participants looked very enthusiastic in following all of activities. Irfan Taufik Rau assesses participants of Total Day as very active and creative. He has been regret the existence of a similar event when he sat on the bench in college used to be. According to him, the show was able to open the view of students towards science learned in other majors. Meanwhile, one of the participants, Dery Marsan (Geophysical Engineering 2012), stating the event as an experience that gives many benefits. "Nice being tutored by experts and learn to solve real cases. Here we solve problems according to their own profession respective viewpoints. I have learn much about how to tell an opinion, lobbying, and listen to the opinions of others, especially when workingwith friends from other areas," Dery said.

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