Transnangor: First Step to connect ITB Multi Campuses
By Teguh Yassi Akasyah
Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

The program, better known as 'Transnangor' had been planned since two years ago by the cabinet of KM ITB. However, having delayed by several errands since the prior government, this program was finally fell into the hands of 'Pelita Muda' Cabinet and was at last be impelemeted. Based on a survey of students majoring in Biological Engineering studying in ITB Jatinangor, 48% of students on campus Jatinangor commute to ITB Ganesha for academic reasons, 23% for the activities of students organizations, and the rest are other student activities.
In addition, the basic challenge of this program is about transportation fare. Transnangor set the price of Rp5000 for a one-time departure , the price is relatively cheap based on analysis conducted by the TEC team and the KM ITB's Cabinet. "About 34% of respondents are willing to pay Rp1000 up to Rp5000, on the contrary, there are so many students who have to spend about Rp50,000 to return to Ganesha. This is the reason for us to initiate this project," said Levi Reza Fauzi (Engineering Physics 2011) who takes responsibility of this program.
Transnangor came with a subsidy system that was financed directly by the Student Council (Lembaga Kemahasiswaan, LK ITB). The fund is a relief from the General Directorate of High Education (Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi) and that grant comes from The State Budget (APBN) for the post in students affairs. "The program is funded by the grant from LK, according to our submitted proposal," added Aranti Adriarani who served as the Coordinating Minister for Advocation Ministry in the cabinet. It is calculated that the funds could sustain the program until the end of April 2014, therefore there must be a special attention for it to keep going.
At this time, Transnangor tickets can be obtained in Tokema ITB and Student Dormitory for purchase on campus Jatinangor. To purchase tickets, prospective buyers must be able to show the Student Identity Card (KTM). Tickets can be brought directly to the pool of Geulis Travel and used as a receipt for taking the bus, wheteher the students take the ride from the pool or from Ganesha campus and Student Dormitory of Jatinangor campus.
"Furthermore, the program is expected to grow rapidly and become easier, so that students are much more flexible to do their activities," said Nyoman Anjani as the President fo KM ITB. Nyoman also confirms that this program is a big-step of KM-ITB's Cabinet to help the transportation problem of multi-campus system. The program, which has been proposed to the ITB's Rectorate, gained a big support from the Deputy Rector of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof.Dr.Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, regarding that in the future Jatinangor will be the center of ITB campus.