ITB’88 Discover Innovation through Zero Carbon Campus Concept and Idea Competition
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – As a token of appreciation toward their alma mater, Alumni of Institut Teknologi Bandung class of 1988 (ITB’88) will hold “Kompetisi Konsep dan Ide Prakarsa Zero Carbon Untuk Kampus Ganesha” or zero carbon concepts and ideas initiative for Ganesha Campus. The competition will be held to commemorate the 30th year reunion of ITB’88 and carry out the dream to contribute to climate change issue in the framework of world’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
Zero carbon is a condition where carbon emission (CO2) produced from daily activities—such as electrical use, vehicle smoke, logging, etc—is minimized and thus contribute actively to reducing the risk of global climate change.
Carbon is an element that, when released into the air in the form of gas, will cause greenhouse effect and raise earth’s temperature. Through this Zero Carbon concepts and ideas for Ganesha Campus, ITB is expected to be an example of application of zero carbon activity in daily activities.
“We feel that ITB should have acted more than any other campuses because many other campuses have SDG’s center while ITB hasn’t. Therefore, we invite academicians in ITB to do something,” explained Ir. Maria Dian Arini, MSi., chairman of the competition.
This competition encourage students and lecturers to cooperate in discovering ideas. The ideas will then be selected by jury. The prize is also pleasing, 60 million rupiahs for the best innovators. “We realize that applying an idea is not easy, hence we provide commensurate appreciation,” said Maya.
The competition will begin with a workshop and technical meeting on 27th October 2018, and the selection will start in October-November. Final presentation will be held on 6th December 2018 to choose the best innovator. Besides this competition, ITB’88 will also hold event series of ITB’88 reunion such as fun-run and other entertaining events.
Reporter: Nur Faiz Ramdhani