UIN Jakarta Signed MoU with ITB to Build Underground Campus

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Institut Teknologi Bandung signed MoU with UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the fields of education, research, and community service. The MoU was signed by Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi and Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Prof. Amany Lubis at Executive Meeting Room A of ITB Rectorate Building, Bandung on Friday (9/8/2019).

One of the cooperation that will be conducted under the MoU, as Prof. Amany Lubis said, is the planned construction of UIN Jakarta’s infrastructures such as stadium and underground campus. “According to the initial design, we will construct an underground 5-6 floor building,” she said in her remark.

The underground campus will have auditorium, theater, indoor sports facility, meeting room, museum, and tunnels that connect the stadium with student center. The infrastructures are meant to support students and academic activities. “It is a wonderful dream for us, hopefully it will come into realization,” she said.

She added further that cooperation was once also done with ITB in the initiation of Mining study program in UIN Jakarta, where some of the experts and lecturers of the program are ITB graduates. She hopes that this MoU will become an entrance gate to have cooperation in the future.

Rector of ITB, Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi warmly welcomes the cooperation. The construction of stadium and underground campus is an interesting challenge because the construction will require special treatment. “Thank you for the trust given to our colleagues in ITB,” said Prof. Kadarsah.

He added that sports facility is also important because it can develop balanced student soft skill. “We will happily help UIN Jakarta. Hopefully the good intention from the rector will receive God’s blessing, and may our cooperation bear blessed results,” he concluded.

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