Visual Communication Design Study Program of FAD ITB Celebrates 50 Years of Success
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - The 50th anniversary oF Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FAD) Visual Communication Design (VCD) Study Program was celebrated with a series of special events entitled #5decadeDKVITB at ITB Ganesha Campus. This event was held from Thursday to Sunday, 28 September to 1 October 2023. #5decadeDKVITB was aimed to celebrate half a century of extraordinary achievements, innovation and dedication from the academic community of the ITB FAD VCD Study Program.
VCD FAD ITB was founded in 1972. This study program has become one of the role models of VCD education in Indonesia.
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the ITB VCD Study Program, a series of events were held that reflected the “VCD for Greater Indonesia" vision, which were:
- Kinarya Immersiva, International Light Festival: A stunning interactive art experience;
- Installation Room, Immersive Room, and Video Mapping: Artwork Exhibition of students and alumni;
- #KIBAbalikKampus: Exhibition of Children's Illustration Books for Class Work;
- Adicita 5 Decades: Exhibition of DKV Study Program archives;
- Trajectstory: Exhibition of Student Collaborative Works;
- Talkshow "DKV for a Greater Indonesia": Discussion with the experts in design industry;
- Family Reunion Gathering: Fun family reunion events and activities;
- Visual Cultural Night & Lifetime Achievement: Awardings for outstanding lecturers and alumni.
Apart from that, there were other supporting events such as the Craft Bazaar and Culinary Stand which provided various foods and crafts.
This event was the result of collaboration between students, lecturers and alumni of the ITB FAD VCD Study Program as well as support from various parties including the Directorate of Film, Music and Media, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
Dean of ITB FAD Dr. Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, S.Sn., M.Sn., said, "We hope that this event can bring awareness about the importance and strategic position of VCD education at this time in the midst of very significant developments. Education and industry must work together to create a better life.
"Head of the #5decadeDKVITB Activity Committee, Triyadi Guntur Wiratmo, S.Sn., M.Sn., added, "We try to give the best we can, with all limitations. A good program is a program that is implemented.
"It is hoped that this event will show the achievements of the ITB FAD VCD Study Program for half a century and inspire the development of new media in various activities involving the role of ITB FAD VCD.
Reporter: Anggun Nindita
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology ‘21)
Editor: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)