ITB Students Got The First Place in Metalografi Competition

Oleh Syardianto

Editor Syardianto

Bandung, - Students from Material Engineering successfully got the first place in Nasional Metalografi Competition that was held by Indonesia Metalografi and Material Association (PM3I) cooperated with ITB Comunity of Material Engineering (MTM) ITB. This metalografi competition which happened on Saturday (01/03/14) is a sequence of Metaloscope 2014 that has been based on professionalism and held annually.

Suryanti Hersanto (Material Engineering 2010) and Huga Fathur Rahman (Material Engineering 2010) are the members of the team that make calibration of material in substance's continuation process using a high energy with metalografi method. The method was used to measure the quantity and qualitaty of the material, such as the phase, granule, chemistry composition, particle orientation, atom's distance, dislocation, and others. The team used the materials such as Steel T22 and T91.

The project was presented by using a metalografi poster that tittle "Analysis on Welding and Structure of Boiler Tube Steel T22 and T91". Through the working process, the team doing some applied steps to calibrate material such as cutting material, mounting, griding, polishing, etching, rinsing, and analysis process as the result of metalografi process. "Judging is done by the process, analysis and presentation of the result of research. All of them are done by the participants. Professionalism competition become a great event to applied the knowladge that have got", Muhammad Arfi (Material Engineering 2010) said as the leader Metalografi competition 2014. In their analysis, Suryanti and huga explained that Steel T22 is more vulnerable to corrosion and have high strength temperature which more vulnerable too than steel T91. This condition was found through analysis of micro structure photo from both of steel. In that competition, the second winner was the team from Bandung Polytechnic of Manufacture and third winner was the delegation from Indonesia University.

Besides that event, Metalografi 2014 consists of Nasional Seminar about "Chance of Ceramics Industry as The Strategic Industry in Indonesia" with presenting Ir. Aditianto Ramelan ( A Head of Material Engineering Program), Sopan Sopian ( Research and Development Manager, PT. Angsa Daya), and Harry Rayadi (Human Resources Officer, PT. Keramika Indonesia Association) as an adviser. "In this second metaloscope, we see the high spirit from participants in competition and seminar. With this event, we hope that material and metallurgy in Indonesia can more evolve and become better and better," Banggas Hanistia Pahlevi ( Leader of PM3I in period 2012/2013) added.

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