With the Spirit to Build the Nation, ITB Commemorate 70th Year of Physics Program
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Physics Study Program of Institut Teknologi Bandung commemorated its 70th year at Aula Barat ITB, Bandung, on Sunday (11/11/2018). Beside celebration, the event is also a momentum to reflect on the progress of Physics program over the years.
The theme of the commemoration is “Physics of ITB for the Nation”. The theme represents the eagerness for real and applicative action from Physics of ITB to build the nation. “Hopefully this moment will be a reflection to be grateful for what we-Physics of ITB-have done and fix what we have not,” said Kairul Basar, the Head of Physics Study Program when opening the event.
Meanwhile, the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of ITB (FMIPA-ITB), Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro expressed his appreciation towards Physics of ITB that has been one of research pioneers in ITB. He said that Physics of ITB is the biggest contributor of scientists who receive prestigious awards such as Achmad Bakrie Award, Habibie Award, and other awards over the past few years.
Previously, Physics of ITB held public lecture, workshop, and physics fair as series of event to mark the 70th anniversary. Carrying gathering and reunion concept, the event saw video screenings and impressions by lecturers and alumni. It was concluded by Prof. Lilik Hendra Jaya who was the Rector of ITB 1997-2001. “Alumni of Physics do not need to hesitate to work anywhere. We have to be alumni that suit our motto, ‘Be Excellence’,” he said.
The event also saw attractive quiz that invites laughter. The answer to the quiz brought back the happy memories of the alumni and lecturers about Physics Study Program. “I miss the campus so much,” said one of the alumni.
Reporter: Ferio Brahmana