16 Lecturer of FSRD ITB Flew to the Netherlands To Study Artifacts
By Teguh Yassi Akasyah
Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

The lecturers are from different backgrounds , such as graphic design, advertising multimedia, and design textiles. During in the Netherlands, namely on (08-28/06/14), the lecturers will follow builds tailor-made training about methodology Visual Communication Design ( DKV) based on traditional Cultural Heritage in Supporting and Developing Creative economy Indonesia.
MDF Training & Consultancy in collaboration with the Academy and the Netherlands Reinwardt Advisors Museum Foundation becomes custodian of training. During three weeks in the windmill, the lecturers not only learn theory in class but immediately put into practice the results of their study to the field. They also will visit several museums, such as the Stedelijk Museum, Rijksmuseum, and Schiller museum, to learn about the native Indonesian artifacts and museum management.
According to Indy Hardono (Nuffic Neso Indonesia Scholarship Coordinator), Tailor-made training is a form of training that is designed in accordance with the requirements of FSRD ITB. Hopefully, after this training, lecturers and researchers have more capacity in research documentation and analysis of cultural heritage artifacts.
"Through training like this, FSRD ITB can learn from MDF that was a prominent in the Netherlands that has an extensive experience in managing a training to work together with the coach who expert in the field visual communication design from Carl Reinwardt Academy and the Netherlands Museum Advisors Foundation," said Indy, (via by Okezone.com ), Friday (6/6/2014).
Dr.Imam Santosa, M.Sn (Dean of FSRD ITB) says it is deeply grateful to the Dutch government which has given StuNed scholarship. "This training will support ITB as a center of art, which will provide a database of artifacts in the area of culture heritage," said Imam. Participants are chosen through a selection process and receive a full scholarship covering tuition, living, international travel, and insurance at the Netherlands.
Source: okezone.com