Responding to the Challenge in Industrial Revolution, EEDays 2018 ITB Display 46 Student Final Projects
By Ahmad Fadil
Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – About 46 final projects by students of Electrical Engineering of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) ITB are displayed in EEDays (Electrical Engineering Days) 2018. This annual event is held to promote the final projects and also to become a meeting place between students, alumni, and industry.
Responding to challenges in engineering profession, continuous evaluation and improvement should be carried out in higher education to produce quality graduates who possess great character. “Capstone Design Final Project and peak event of EEDays are responses from Electrical Engineering Program of ITB to challenges in professional world that require professionals with excellence in knowledge, skills, and team work,” Arif said in a press release.
In EEDays, final year students have to design an engineering product that solves problem in real life using systematic methodology. “Some final project topics come from industries or companies,” Arif said.
Their final project is concluded by EEDays. Students in their final year in Electrical Engineering Study Program will face evaluation in front of examiners who come from ITB lecturers and professionals who will evaluate problem solving process of an engineering problem the student chose as their project topic. “The topic and the execution of the final project are designed so that it should be executed in a working team, hence the students’ team work could be trained and developed,” he said.
EEDays 2018 will be held for three days from 22-24 May 2018 at Aula Timur ITB. It will involve 138 students, lecturers, and Electrical Engieering Student Union. The event will also present experts as speakers. They are M. Ali Fahmi, Country Director of SIGFOX Indonesia (22/5/2018), Hendra Kesuma, Engineer of Technologist at Airbus Defence and Space (23/5/2018), and practitioner from PT. MRT Jakarta (24/5/2018), and Roni Kumar, Vice President Signaling of PT. KAI (24/5/2018).