2019 Gathering and Appreciation to Scholarship Partners of ITB Titled “We Care We Share”
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

Photo by: LK-ITB
BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – On the same day as National Education Day, Students Affairs of Institut Teknologi Bandung (LK-ITB) organized 2019 Gathering and Appreciation to Scholarship Partners of ITB titled “we care we share” at Aula Barat of ITB Ganesha Campus on Thursday (2/5/2019). The gathering was also attended by Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, Deputy Reagent of Bandung Regency, H. Gun Gun Gunawan, S.Si., M.Si., and Chair of LK-ITB, Dr. Eng. Sandro Mihradi.
Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. IR. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, in his remark said that ITB will never stop a student’s study for economic reason. Therefore, scholarship partners are important and they can contact LK-ITB for any scholarship offer. The scholarship will then be managed through certain procedures.
Data from LK-ITB satates that in 2018 there are 10.301 undergraduate students, or about 62% the total of ITB undergraduate students. The scholarships come from government, non-government, as well as ITB in the form of tuition reduction and meal vouchers. This demonstrates that ITB give facility and opportunity to their students to study without worrying about their economic condition. About 150 billion rupiahs were issued for scholarship from 2005 to 2018.
“I feel grateful and lucky to have the opportunity to get scholarship from scholarship partners. As a token of my thanks, I am committed to improve myself better and will use the scholarship on the best way,” said Irfan Naufal, a grantee of Beasiswa Perintis scholarship.
Hopefully the gathering will boost relationship between ITB and scholarship partners. The scholarships are expected to support students’ education, and stop poverty chain among the society. Hence, it may achieve one of the nation’s objectives, ‘to develop the nation’s intellectual life’.
Reporter: Annisa Nur Diana (Environmental Engineering 2018)