26,656 Participants Will Take UTBK Test at ITB
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – 26,656 takers of computer-based exam (UTBK) will conduct the exam at Institut Teknologi Bandung. 13,544 test takers will conduct the test at ITB Ganesha campus and other 13,112 at partner locations.
Prof. Asep said that, in conducting UTBK, ITB will partner with SMAN I Bandung, SMA 3 Bandung, SMA 4 Bandung, SMA 5 Bandung and SMK 2 Bandung for exam locations.
The first wave will be conducted on 13th April – 4th May 2019 while the second wave will be on 11th May – 26th May 2019. “To ensure the event running smoothly, the Committee of UTBK has coordinated with PLN and Telkom,” Prof. Asep said.
Further, he explained that there are several rules that participants have to observe when doing the exam at ITB or partners. The rules include maximum 30 minutes lateness. No additional time given to participants coming late to the location. More than 30 minutes late, participants are not allowed to take the exm. “Moreover, it should be taken into consideration that every Sunday is Car Free Day (CFD) at Dago, (and will affect) those who do the exam at SMA 1 Bandung,” he said.
Since 2019, UTBK is a requirement for registering to SBMPTN. In Bandung, there are five higher educations that run as center for UTBK, namely ITB, UPI, Unpad, ISBI Bandung, and Universitas Siliwangi. As for the general regulations of UTBK, participants can take the exam twice at most. Each participant are permitted to take the saintek (Science Technology) and soshum (Social Humanities) once; the saintek twice; or the soshum twice.
ITB admits freshmen of Undergraduate Programs Academic Year 2019/2020 through three entrance exams, the National Entrance Test for State Universities (SNMPTN), Joint Entrance Test for State Universities (SBMPTN), and Independent Admission (SM).