West Java Governor and Rector of ITB Officialy Open the Mosque and Infrastructure of ITB Jatinangor
By Bangkit Dana Setiawan
Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

Mosque as the Islamic Development Center by Civitas Academic
The ceremony was also attended by the Department of Settlement and Housing, Department of Forestry, Government of Sumedang District, the Rector Staff of Unpad, Chief of Sumedang police, and executive staff of ITB Jatinangor. According to Bambang RJ (Department of Settlement and Housing), the construction of a mosque in the ITB Jatinangor aimed to fulfill the needs of worship places as well as a center for the Islam development by the academic community. "ITB Jatinangor mosque built in a strategic area, close to the people. The construction of this mosque is expected to build interaction between the students and the surrounding community," said Bambang.
Construction of the mosque began from the contest which was won by Dawn Ihsan, S.T (ITENAS) who designed the concept of building a mosque in accordance aspects of function and aesthetics. The mosque stands on an area of 5000 m2, consists of two floors and has a capacity of up to 700 worshipers. In addition, the mosque is also equipped with 40 m high tower.
Masjid Al-Jabbar, Mosque with Various Meanings
Furthermore, the ceremony was followed by a speech of ITB Rector and the Governor of West Java. According to the Rector of ITB, ITB Jatinangor development that began in 2010 has been colaborated with the Government of West Java. One results of the cooperation between ITB and the Government of West Java is the Mosque of ITB Jatinangor campus.
On the day of the mosque ceremony, also They name the mosque officialy which was Al-Jabbar. Al-Jabbar was taken from one of the Asmaul Husna which means the Almighty. In addition, according to the Rector of ITB and the Governor of West Java alone, Al-Jabbar has another meaning. In mathematical terms, the word Al-Jabbar similar to Algebra which represents the ITB campus as a campus of technology very close to the counting activity. Then, Al-Jabbar is also very close to Jabar acronym which means the mosque is located in West Java.
"The presence of mosque is absolute in the area of education. The mosque was present to construct the balance of human spiritual and physical. The mosque as well as a measure of the success of the nation's development through youth development in the area of education," said Ahmad Heryawan.

Construction of the mosque began from the contest which was won by Dawn Ihsan, S.T (ITENAS) who designed the concept of building a mosque in accordance aspects of function and aesthetics. The mosque stands on an area of 5000 m2, consists of two floors and has a capacity of up to 700 worshipers. In addition, the mosque is also equipped with 40 m high tower.
Masjid Al-Jabbar, Mosque with Various Meanings
Furthermore, the ceremony was followed by a speech of ITB Rector and the Governor of West Java. According to the Rector of ITB, ITB Jatinangor development that began in 2010 has been colaborated with the Government of West Java. One results of the cooperation between ITB and the Government of West Java is the Mosque of ITB Jatinangor campus.

"The presence of mosque is absolute in the area of education. The mosque was present to construct the balance of human spiritual and physical. The mosque as well as a measure of the success of the nation's development through youth development in the area of education," said Ahmad Heryawan.