AZ Team ITB Won International Business Competition in Singapore
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, - ITB students achieved the new accomplishment in the international arena. APEX
Business competition on-IT Global Case Challenge held by the Singapore Management University (SMU), the team representatives ITB succeed to bring Indonesia's name in the competition which was followed by the best teams from various universities from Asia, the United States, Canada, and Hong Kong. The team named AZ Team consisted of three students from Information Systems and Technologies (STI) ITB 2012, i.e. Azfina Putri, Dilla Anindita, and Nadhira Afriani. The final session was held in Singapore on Wednesday until Friday (03-06/05/16). They won the 2nd Runner Up position and became the only winner that came from universities in Asia.

In the competition themed "Conscious Capitalism: Doing Good While Doing Business", every team is challenged to complete a case concerning the Grab company. The competition is divided into several rounds and there are materials to be prepared in every session. "The most difficult to be eligible for all the conditions of each round, ranging from presentations, posters, and so on," said Dilla. However, despite faced many hurdles reliable competitors, AZ Team still managed to prove her ability with outperformed the other fourteen finalists attended in Singapore. Compactness and accuracy of solution became the key to the success of the AZ Team. "According to the jury, the solution that we provide is very good, so it could outperform the other teams," Dilla explained.

Besides because of the best ability of the team, the victory earned the Team a-Z can be thanks to the support of course STI ITB. One form of support is guidance from Dr. IR. Arry Akhmad Arman, M.T. who patiently accompanied AZ Team throughout the competition. In addition, the support from family and closest friends also became the impetus for the three student to get the achievement in competition.
Armed with motivation to be a winner and work productively in the last year as ITB student, AZ Team worked hard in the final stages leading to prepare themselves in Singapore. However, as the last-year students in the near future the members of the AZ Team plans to focus in the completion of their studies. They are very hopeful that this will be their accomplishments motivate ITB students to be the best person in other various international event. "Don't be afraid to follow the International Competition. Don't be afraid about funding due to be resolved by finding a sponsor. Then, do not be afraid to lose. ITB students were also smart and if attempted could certainly outperform the other teams, "close Dilla.
ITB Journalist Apprentice 2016
Gracia Isaura Raulina (Industrial Management Engineering 2013)

Besides because of the best ability of the team, the victory earned the Team a-Z can be thanks to the support of course STI ITB. One form of support is guidance from Dr. IR. Arry Akhmad Arman, M.T. who patiently accompanied AZ Team throughout the competition. In addition, the support from family and closest friends also became the impetus for the three student to get the achievement in competition.
Armed with motivation to be a winner and work productively in the last year as ITB student, AZ Team worked hard in the final stages leading to prepare themselves in Singapore. However, as the last-year students in the near future the members of the AZ Team plans to focus in the completion of their studies. They are very hopeful that this will be their accomplishments motivate ITB students to be the best person in other various international event. "Don't be afraid to follow the International Competition. Don't be afraid about funding due to be resolved by finding a sponsor. Then, do not be afraid to lose. ITB students were also smart and if attempted could certainly outperform the other teams, "close Dilla.
ITB Journalist Apprentice 2016
Gracia Isaura Raulina (Industrial Management Engineering 2013)