STKSR 2014: Develop Technology For Mineral and Material Processing

Oleh Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

Editor Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

BANDUNG, - On Thursday-Friday (30-31/10/14) at ITB East Hall, Department of Chemical Engineering ITB held International Seminar on Chemical Engineering parallel with Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo (STKSR) 2014. In this year, the committee lift up Chemical Engineering in Minerals and Materials Processing for Sustainable Development as a theme. The speaker in this STKSR 2014 are from various institution, researcher, industrial and government.
The purpose of STKSR 2014 are to create a comprehensive sinergy between any aspect to keep the spirit to elevate the reasearch development and to keep good relation between all researcher especially Chemical Engineering researcher. With this international event, further information and issue about mineral and material processing can be reach.

There are two session in this STKSR, plenary session and parallel session. In plenary  session, the speaker presented her/his own expertise. The first plenary session presented by Prof. Geoffrey Brooks and Prof M. Akbar Rhamdhani from Swiburne University of Technology with their topic 'sustainable mineral processing'. The second session, 'Overcome the Challenges in Indonesia's Minerals and Materials Processing Industry' as the topic, presented by delegation from Direktorat Jenderal Minerba, PT ANTAM, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara and Direct Nickel. The plenary session closed with third session in the second day with topic, 'The Advancement of Chemical Engineering Technology' presented by  Prof. Ka Ming N  from Hong Kong University of Science  and Technology, Dr. Wuled Lenggono from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and also  Prof. Dr. Manabu Miyamoto from  Gifu University.

Different with plenary session, parallel sesion divided to eleven topics, there are advanced material, industri, material processing, mineral processing, material refining, material recovery, material recovery, nanoparticle, nanotechnology, polymer, and others.Not only lecturer and professional presented their papper, but also some students joined present their own research.

Source of Picture : STKSR committee

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