94.22 Percent Staffs of ITB Attended First Work Day after a Long Holiday

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – After collective leave of Eid al-Fitr, all members of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) are obligated to work on Monday (10/6/2019) and record their attendance before 7.30 a.m. This was stated by Director of Human Resources of ITB, Suharto.

According to data by Directorate of Human Resources of ITB, 94.22 percent or 1,369 of 1,453 staffs of ITB recorded their presence before 7.30 a.m. However, 3.44 percent or 50 staffs were absent without leave notice. While the rest 2.34 percent or 34 staffs were on leave, sick leave, or other authorised leaves.

Director of Human Resources of ITB, Suharto, said that these absences without notice are probably coming from staffs who came late and recorded their presence after 7.30 a.m, or the ones who are still on their way from hometown and did not make it to give written notice. Staffs’ attendance will then be reported to Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti), in accordance with circular letter of the Kemenristekdikti. Nevertheless, he said that in general the discipline of staffs of ITB improves significantly every year.

According to the attendance rule, employees who come late will get incentive cut. It will also affect their performance evaluation. Suharto added that the rule encourages staffs to be more discipline. “With the current attendance rule, the discipline has improved,” he added.

Regarding the sanctions, Suharto said absence without notice will receive sanctions after further verification, to confirm whether it is because of sick leave or permission to follow.

Secretary for Non-Finance Audit of Internal Control Unit (SPI) of ITB, Dr. Nuning Yanti Damayanti expressed her appreciation to the staffs who were present on the first day of work. Nuning said that the discipline has improved since previous years.

Dr. Nuning said, SPI always and should report staffs attendance on the first day after Eid al-Fitr collective leave. The difference this year, the data should be reported on the first day of work with fixed date, while the previous year the rule stated that the data should be reported after Eid al-Fitr without any fixed date. Hopefully, next year the presence will improve even better.

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