A Briefing from UPT PSDM Has Been Given to 84 New ITB Lecturers

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- UPT PSDM of ITB held a briefing for new ITB lecturers virtually on Monday (15/3/2021). This briefing is attended by new lecturers that are officially appointed from year 2018-2019.

Head of UPT PSDM Lusia Nurani, Ph.D. stated that the briefing is required for those 4 new lecturers. The event took five days, ending on March 19th 2021. She added that the briefing is given to provide more understanding towards reaching ITB’s vision and mission as an institute and “Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi”; education, research, and community service.

“I welcome all participants who are attending today’s event. I hope we can all enjoy the event, since it has been arranged purposely for lecturers to achieve ITB 2025 goals and together write an amazing history. Thank you for all participations,” said Lusia Nurani.
The event was started with an opening statement from the chancellor, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, PH.D. Her statement focused on time discipline and management, career development, and foreseeing our own expertise field road map. “We have to be able to reading the map ahead and focus on our research plan.”

She then stated that despite ITB being a comfort place, it is still a public institution. She also emphasized cross-fields collaborations amongst the lecturer, and to spare time for researches and networking. “Enjoy your adventure. In Shaa Allah we can all be a champion and find our career purposes at ITB, the ones that bring us comfort and peace.”

Introduction to ITB Vision and Mission

In the new ITB lecturers briefing, UPT PSDM, represented by Lusia Nurani, Ph.D, also introduced ITB’s vision-mission and strategy for 2025. She emphasized ITB in 2025 as an institute with a rich culture, along with a vision towards a globally respected and locally relevant university.

Keys of success to this manifestation are (1) Presenting “best talents” into the community (2) Preserving those “best talents” inside the community (3) Presenting and preserving resources and potencies to develop ITB, and (4) being responsive towards ITB stakeholders’ needs.

Lusia explained that until this day, ITB is a State University with Legal Entities (PTNBH) under PP No. 65 2013. Despite having notable achievements, ITB needs to be more forward, responsive, and adaptive to changes, and to have foreseeable visionary for the future.

Briefing Contents

The five days briefing started with not only an opening statement from the chancellor, but also a briefing from Vice Chancellor for Finance, Planning and Development Dr. Ir. Muhamad Abduh and Director of ITB Planning Suprayogi, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.

On March 16th, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Dr. Epin Saepudin M.Pd would lead the briefing about national insight. On the next day, a briefing about "Realizing the Figure of ITB 2025 through the Independent Campus Policy, Free Learning" would be delivered by Vice Chancellor for Academic and Students Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring and Director of ITB Education Dr. Techn. Ir. Arief Hariyanto.
On the fourth day, ITB Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, Ph.D. and the Head of LPPM ITB Ir. R. Sugeng J. Sarwono, M.T., Ph.D would deliver a briefing about "Manfesting the Figure of ITB 2025 through Research and Community Service". The last day briefing would be delivered by Vice Chancellor for Resources Dr. Ir. Gusti Ayu Putri, M.Comm, and Dr. Dea Indiriani Astuti M.Si., S.Si., focusing about "Transformation of Human Resources to Manifest the Figure of ITB 2025"

Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Tamara Maharani Alamsyah (TPB FSRD 2020)

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