Aero Expo 2010: Reviving Indonesia's Aeronautics
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, Aero Expo ITB 2010 is a fresh wind for Indonesia's aeronautics. Themed 'Reaching the Skies and Reviving National Quality', various activities color the once-in-two-years event held by Aeronautics Students Family. One of them was Aviation Safety Seminar held on Saturday.
Convener Saladin Siregar elaborated, "The seminar aims to facilitate all components of Indonesia's aeronautics development in safety in civil flights." This was done, according to him, in order to ensure development.
Accident Rate Decrease by 40%
According to Department of Transportation's Special Staff in Technology and Energy, Cucuk Suryo Suprojo, "Until October 2010, accident rate for aeroplanes have decreased over 40% compared to that of in 2009." This has resulted into the lifting of ban for Indonesian airplanes in the skies over European Union.
This is a great achievement for Indonesia's aeronautics development. Saladin Siregar applauded the government's quick response in tightening the existing regulations on civil flight. "This has resulted into the increasing number of passengers for domestic and international flights. Currently, our development is on the right way and rate," he claimed.
The discussion also involved PT Lion Mentari Airlines Operational Director Capt. Daniel Putut Kuncoro Adi, PT Sriwijaya Air Indonesia Senior Corporate Communication Manager Ruth Hanna Simatupang, Boeing representative Steven Hayes, and Aeronautics and Astronautics Lecturer Hisar Pasaribu, Ph.D. to unite ideas concerning ideal flight safety.
Flight Safety Standardization
In the seminar, elaborated was the time to time changing focus in flight safety improvement. In the 1950s, safety improvement was focused more on its technological aspects. In the 1970s, the human resources quality of all the crews and staff involved in the flight was considered to be more paramount. In the 2000s era, the improvement was more focused on the organization behind the flights. "Every company has to abide to the prerequisites of safety and safety management systems imposed upon them, exactly like elaborated in Undang-Undang No. 1 Year 2009 on flights," Cucuk elaborated.