Aero-Inspiration ITB 2013: R-80, Future Commercial Airplane by Indonesia

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG , - Cessation the manufacture program of aircraft N - 250 due to the financial crisis led to the birth of the original Indonesian aircraft manufacturing program called R - 80 ( Regio Prop 80 ) . R - 80 aircraft are believed to have a more advanced specification than the previous generation N - 250 , in the implementation of course has its own opportunities and challenges . Therefore, the ITB Aviation Engineering Student Association ( KMPN ITB ) held Aero - Inspiration ITB 2013 " Opportunities and Challenges of Implementation of R - 80 Program in Indonesia " on Saturday ( 02/11/13 ) .
The seminar was held at ITB FTMD Building , Seminar Room, 2nd Floor . This seminar present Agung Nugroho ( Director PT.Regio Aviation Industry ) and Dr . Hisar M. Pasaribu ( Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering ITB ) .

Indonesia as the largest archipelago in the world would need a means of transportation that provide ' speed ' , flexibility , and economics . The plane is a means of transportation that answer the needs can not be met by other transportation. R - 80 program developed by PT.RAI try to answer these challenges .

Air transport industry in Indonesia grew rapidly . Opportunities Program R - 80 as a national aerospace industry is appropriate for Indonesia now or the future . " The data in the year 2012 , Indonesia had 70 million passengers per year or one third of the current population . Estimated , that number rose to 500 million passengers per year . Figure is a ' blessing ' for aerospace in Indonesia," said Agung .

R - 80 development program that began in 2013 will have a more sophisticated specification of the N - 250 . Later , the R - 80 aircraft will have a fuselage with a larger capacity up to 70-90 passengers , more fuel-efficient , low operating costs , and continue to use as a propulsion propeller plane . With goals , meet national and international turboprop market and rebuilding capabilities of the nation in the production and sale of aircraft .

Behind a big opportunity , the implementation of the R - 80 is not without its challenges . Another challenge faced by Indonesia, including aerospace , air navigation , aircraft MRO ( Maintenance , Repair , Operating ) , air transport , regulation and policy , education and training of aerospace , aircraft, airport management. Delivery R - 80 is planned premiere in 2019 .

" R - 80 program also needs the support of government , if not the market we would be lost . We already know we are huge potential . If left unchecked, could have been 'the outsiders ' who enjoy the blessings of this " closed Hisar .

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