Aiding the Victims of Disasters, ITB Builds Bamboo Shelter for Temporary Housing
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

PALU, – A team from Institut Teknologi Bandung built a temporary housing shelter and a tunnel module for earthquake affected victims in Palu, Central Sulawesi. Construction of the shelter was done in Camp Terpadu Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) or Indonesia Red Cross Integrated Camp in Petobo, Palu.
Together with Indonesian Army (TNI), ITB Team began the construction on Thursday (18/10/18). During the process, Governor of Central Sulawesi, Longki Djanggola also visited the camp and observed ITB’s activity in Petobo.
The structure of the bamboo tunnel module is 11.5 x12 meter wide and finished building on Saturday (20/10). Located on Jl. Moh. Soeharto, the module can be used to support the activity of the community in Petobo Atas. The size of the tunnel module is big enough to serve as health center, counseling, and other public activities
Besides a multipurpose place, ITB has also created two bamboo shelters on the same location in 4x4 meter long and 3 meter height. Besides TNI, the construction process was also helped by final year students from Architecture Program of Universitas Tadulako. Those two shelters are built in less than 2 hours.
The bamboo tunnel and shelter was designed by Andry Widyowijatnoko, a lecturer from Building Technology Research Group of School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPK) of ITB. On Saturday (20/10/2018), the result was handed over to TNI and PMI that was represented by Mayor Arianto for further used as public facility or emergency school.
The ITB team that built the bamboo shelter was consisted of 4 persons. Besides in Petobo, ITB also built 3 other shelters in Jonooge. They were built there because evacuation camps on the location were not comfortable to be temporary housing.
“The construction is a cooperation with students of Architecture Program of Untad (Universitas Tadulako). Next, after ITB team went home, they will continue the work because we are limited for only one week here and they will be very helpful in constructing on other places. We are also helped by TNI,” said Gilang Iqbal Noegraha, a Master’s program student in SAPPK-ITB.
The bamboo tunnel and shelter are located in the middle of camp complex near to aid camp of Chinese Government and open space. ITB team also handed over one water treatment filter that produce both clean water and drinking water.
The water treatment filter has a capacity of 500-1000 liter/hour of clean water and 50-100 liter/hour of drinking water, depending on the quality of raw water. The installation of the water treatment filter will be assisted by TNI and PMI, waiting for electricity network to operate.