FEST ITB Held a Teachers Training Program to Improve the Quality of Geography Education in Kalimantan

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – As a means to improve the quality of geographic education, the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) ITB held a training for the geographic teachers in the Kalimantan foster area for three days, from 27-29 June 2022.

This geographic teachers' quality improvement training program was held using a hybrid method and invited six scholars from various universities and institutions to share their knowledge on sciences related to geography, climate, and its implications for the environment.

The participants who attended this training offline came to the Balikpapan State Senior High School I while the online attendee participated via online Zoom meetings.

The Head of Balikpapan State Senior High School I, Daliya S.Pd., MM.Pd., in her opening speech expressed her appreciation and gratefulness for the opportunity to participate in this training and for the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology cooperation. She conveyed four messages about advancing and improving the education quality in Kalimantan. "Let's work hard, work sincerely, work with love, and work with prayer."

The opening session was continued by Dr. Joko Wiratmo, the proposer of the Kalimantan Island Foster Area Geographic Teachers Quality Improvement Training Program. This ITB Meteorology Lecturer then explained, "Because our National Capital will be moved here, this quality improvement training is necessary to ensure our students in Kalimantan receive the best education," said Dr. Joko. He added that this training is expected to become a regular event as a forum for tutors to improve their geography knowledge.

The first training event was held two years ago, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all past training events were held online. This year training was held both offline and online to attract more participants.

Geographic teachers often find difficulties in teaching geography thoroughly and in-depth. Therefore, this training was designed to provide added value for the teachers and facilitate better education for the geographic students. "Geography has many fields. Even if we only take one field, its topic will still be very broad," stated Dr. Joko.

Agus Mochamad Ramdhan S.T., M.T., Ph.D., the Vice Dean of FEST ITB, said that geography is often taught along with other disciplines and linked to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) from the United Nations. Disasters, conflicts, and other recent issues are all connected to geography, where commodity and energy prices are impacted. "The advancement of both physical and social geographic sciences needs to be accommodated in its current education, and I am confident that this training can provide knowledge on those things."

Six scholars who attended this training for three days forward are Dr. Joko Wiratmo (ITB), Dr. Samsul Bahri MEng. (TOGI), Prof. Junun Sartohadi (UGM), Dr. Mamat Ruhimat (UPI), Prof. Junun Sartohadi (UGM), Dr. Mamat Ruhimat (UPI), Prof. Dewayany Sutrisno (BRIN), and Dr. Slamet R. Bisri (UBISBA). Each day training and question and answer session was attended by two scholars.

Reporter: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)

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