Along with the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia, ITB Held International Seminar on Halal Tourism

Oleh Gracia Isaura Raulina

Editor Gracia Isaura Raulina

BANDUNG, - Located in the West Hall of ITB, Halal Center of Salman ITB and Center for Tourism Planning and Development of ITB, supported by the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia, held International Seminar on Halal Tourism on Thursday-Friday (01-02/09/16). The seminar was organized to support Indonesian government programs in increasing halal tourism in Indonesia. The event was opened on Thursday (01/09/16) with a performance of Rebana Team and Banyuwangi Culture Student Activity Units of ITB. The opening was attended by the Vice Governor of West Java, H. Deddy Mizwar, and the Minister of Tourism of Indonesia, Dr. Arief Yahya. In addition, this seminar also invited two foreign experts in halal tourism, Yo Nonaka, BA, MA, PhD (Associate Professor of Keio University) and Prof. Eng. Marc. Deschamps (Director of Belgium Halal Club).

Dr. Ir. H. Syarif Hidayat as the chairman of Halal Center of ITB and Foundation Trustees of Salman Mosque stated that this event was held to promote halal tourism. "Today, ITB and the Ministry of Tourism promoted two terms, tourism and halal. The event was held to inflame the new economy, which is halal economy," he said.

Vice Rector of ITB for Research, Innovation, and Partnership, Prof. Dr. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono was also present to give a speech on Thursday morning (01/09/16). Prof. Bambang explained that ITB has committed in the development of halal study. This commitment was realized with the formation of ITB Center of Halal Study. "We are grateful for the support of the Ministry of Tourism in conducting this seminar. ITB has carried out a soft launch for ITB Center of Halal Study which is responsible for scientific research on halal foods, halal pharmacy (pharmaceuticals and cosmetics), and also halal logistics. Last but not least is the halal tourism," he said.

This seminar was also supported by the local government of West Java. Vice Governor of West Java, H. Deddy Mizwar, stated that local government of West Java would also give their support for the success of halal tourism programs. "I along with the local government of West Java appreciate Ministry of Tourism for developing halal tourism. It is our hope to explore the potentials of various areas across all 34 provinces in Indonesia for the sake of balanced regional economic growth," he said in his speech.

Minister of Tourism, Dr. Arief Yahya, in his keynote speech said that Indonesia had tremendous tourism potential, but the performance of tourism services still in need of improvement. He stated that in order to develop halal tourism, Indonesia should follow world standards in choosing travel destinations that would adopt the values of Islamic law. "If we want to be a global player, we must follow the global standard," he stated. Currently, Indonesia is ranked 4th in the world in the halal tourism sector. According to him, Indonesia still needed to continue to improve in this sector, particularly through the promotions and achievements in the eyes of the world.

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